14 The Truth

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Pregnant! Three weeks have past since Kali learned there was in fact a little being growing inside her womb. Her OB confirmed that she is now four months pregnant. Kali felt so stupid. For someone who is usually so in tune with their body she didn't know. Yes she did miss her period but since she was a teen her period has always been out of whack. But now she knew and the realization that within months she was going to be a mom was beginning to set in especially now that her once flat tummy now had a little pouch at the bottom. Yup She was going to be a mom and Carter was going to be a dad. She just hasn’t gotten around to telling him yet. Just like she hadn’t gotten around to telling him that she overreacted, that she was sorry and she wanted him back. She made up every excuse in the book so she wouldn’t have to. At first her excuses made sense. Now they were just stupid, one day she woke up and said to her self “Nope not today the sky isn't blue enough!” All because she feared what Carter’s reaction might be.

What if he didn’t want anything to do with her or this baby? He hasn't come by and its been so long since the last time he called his name wasn't even in her call log anymore. Last thing she wanted to do was force Carter into a situation he didn't want. So yes the thought of saying nothing at all and doing the single mother thing did cross her mind. Too bad neither her conscience or Patrice would have it. Carter is owed the truth and a choice. She had to tell him now before her small pouch grew out into a full blown noticeable baby belly and he heard it from somebody else.

Kali picked up Olivia’s birthday party invitation and frowned. Sasha had came by a few days ago with a very hyper Olivia in tow inviting her to her Birthday party at her uncle Cee’s house. Broken up or not both Olivia and Sasha wanted her there. Kali’s heart dropped into her stomach when the little girl mentioned him. At first she wasn't going to go but after thinking about it as selfish as it may sound she couldn't not take up the chance to see her boo again. So it was settled no more stupid excuses today was the day. Today she would look him in the eyes and tell him she was pregnant. Kali only hoped he was ready to see her. Prayed he hadn't moved on and found himself someone new or even some place holder to fill her spot.


“What’s going on in here?” Luther asked walking into Carter’s home seeing the ongoing traffic of people he didn't recognize coming in and out from the back yard.

“Liv talked me into letting her have her birthday party here.” Carter shook his head. “Couldn't say no. She must of gotten the power of persuasion from her grandmother.”

“Let’s hope not.” Luther said shaking his head. Viola was a very persuasive woman. The only woman he knew could talk a man like himself into killing his best friend. Manipulate and deceive him for years and still lives to play more games. “If she’s anything like Viola she’s going to be trouble.”

“Tell me bout it.” Carter laughed “Just give it a few year’s Tahj is gonna have his hands full.. Why don't you have any kids?” Carter felt the urge to ask. He’s been knowing Luther his entire life the man had very little family and no kids of his own. Carter couldn't recall him ever having a woman of his own either.

Luther shrugged looking his son in the eyes. “I doubt I’d do any good.”

“You did one hell of a good Job with Tahj and me. Better Job than our father ever did.”

“DeAngelo loved the both of you.” Luther reminded Carter. “He had his ways but your father loved you.”

“I guess me and Tahj drove you crazy enough huh” Carter joked not wanting to talk about his father anymore.

Luther chuckled nervously. “Yeah that's it. you lil nigga’s could drive a man mad.” Was this them having a moment? A father son moment? Luther never use to over think little thing’s like this but now he was keeping count. Mentally taking down every conversation, every encounter they shared.

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