4 The Morning After

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“No No No No No.” Kali mumbled to herself not even bothering to open her eyes because she could feel his eyes on her. Last night was great his lips on her lips, his skin pressed against her skin the only thing that stopped it from being amazing was that she allowed his d!ck to collide with her pussy and they haven't even went on their first date. All she could keep thinking was her parents taught her better than this you know that your body is your temple shit. This wouldn't be the first time she went against what they said was right but she did promise that after everything with her ex Jamal went wrong she would play the game right this time and for a change be the one on top. For the first time she was going to take her parents word that they are older wiser and more experience maybe they did know what they were talking about. She no longer wanted to be the one who ended up heart broken, used and disappointed. But Carter’s slick ass got the jump on her. He stood her up ignored her text, neglected to answer her calls and yet here he was tangled up in her sheets and she had no intentions of kicking him out. Everything about whatever it was they were starting screamed unhealthy and yet she was drawn to him like a moth to a flame.  

Kali opened her eyes but quickly shut them back. Yup he was staring. “I saw that.” He found her embarrassment and shyness adorable. “Come on Kali you can look at me. I don't bite.”

“Yes you do.” Kali opened her eyes and sat up.

Carter smirked. “You liked it.” He knew she did. The moans that escaped her pretty little mouth when he did let him know she was harboring a little freak inside her.  

“Shut up.” She pushed him. Carter shrugged. “Gladly.” Deciding to put his mouth to much better use. Starting with kissing down from her neck to her bare shoulder not before long his lips traveled down to her now exposed breast. Tracing his tongue around her hardening nipple before he latched on.

“Oh gawd.” Kali moaned out.


Unfortunately Tahj wasn't having as good of a morning as his brother was. Sasha wasn't showing him any love. Last night she locked him out the bedroom leaving him to uncomfortably spread out on the couch. And this morning she cooked breakfast as usual but this time only made enough for herself and Olivia. The man couldn't even get a decent glass of orange juice. Sasha was a good woman nurturing, caring and warm but when she was upset that woman could be cold. She plans to hit Tahj where it hurts in his stomach and his manhood. If he didn’t do what he had promised no way was he going to get a meal from her neither was he going to come home expecting to get into her panties.

“Daddy!” Olivia asked hoping onto her fathers lap. “I have a play in two weeks you comin?”

“Sure thing baby girl.” Tahj nodded smiling at his little girl.

“Don't get your hopes up Liv daddy isn't exactly the most reliable person these days.” Sasha said grabbing Olivia’s back pack. “Come on baby lets get a move on it. You don’t want to be late.”

“She can rely on me!” Tahj said taking offence.

“Really? I hadn't noticed.” Sasha shrugged making her way out the door. “Come on Liv say bye to daddy.”

Olivia wrapped her small arms around her father's neck giving him a big wet one on his cheek.”Bye daddy looooove you!” She said before she went over to her mother.

“Love you too.” Tahj smiled but that smile faded when he noticed Sasha was going to leave without saying another word to him. “Love you too Sash!”

“BOY BYE!” She shouted slamming the door behind her.


[a few hours later]

Carter had to call a meeting. It took everything in him to pull himself out of Kali’s bed but he did it. He went home changed his clothes checked on Don and made sure he fed Lennex his pit bull and took him for a walk before he called Tahj, Banko and Nate over. Oh yeah and Luther.  

“How’s the soldier holding up?” Nate asked talking about Don. once seated in Carters office.

“He good down the hall he’s waiting on me to drive him home.”

“So wassup something went wrong after we split?” Banko asked. Luther didn't show up at meetings. In fact the only time Luther was around was when a body needed to be disposed of.

“Na not at all. This is actually good news.” Carter chuckled knowing Banko was a little on edge because Luther was around. This decision he was making would be his biggest yet since he decided to take back everything his father once possessed and being that Luther was the only one left standing from his father old crew he thought having him around was only right. “We have a meeting with the Russian’s.”

A meeting with the Russian’s sounds simple… right? well it wasn't., DeAngelo had tried for years to meet with them make alliances and gain territory but they never gave him the time of day.

“I don't think that’s such a good idea.” Luther was the first to speak out. He didn't trust the Russian’s but that was nothing new to Carter because Luther didn't trust anybody.

“Too bad its my decision.”

“I’m just saying your father woul….”

“DeAngelo Harris is dead. and a dead man don't make no decisions.” Carter hit Luther with the line he taught him years ago. Luther taught Carter and Tahj a lot. A lot more than DeAngelo could. A few years after DeAngelo announced Carter ‘a man’ he became everything but. He started making decisions that put their  family at risk he lost territory abused his wife and eventually his recklessness caught up with him. “They are skeptical but agreed to meet with me in a few weeks its nothing concrete just discussing making an alliance expanding what we already have.”

Nate, Tahj and Banko nodded but they still looked hesitant. “Look if ya’ll not with it I’ll step away  but I’m telling this could possibly put us on another level.”

“If your with it we’re with it.” Nate said and Banko and Tahj agreed. That's when Carter looked toward Luther. Luther shrugged. “Its your deal to make. But I’m telling you now if shit with them go south your body better not be the one I place in the ground.”

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