20 Choose pt2

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Kali or Viola the decision was impossible. Banko knew that and yet he still was ordering Carter to choose. His mother lied about his paternity and a part of him hated her for that but that didn't mean she deserved to die. She gave birth to him she raised him from the day he was born until now and Kali… his Kali hasn’t been in his life for nearly as long as Viola but Carter couldn’t see a future without her in it.

“Tick Toc tick toc.” Banko taunted him. “Come on Carter we don't have all day.”

“You dont want to do this.” Carter attempted to take a step forward.

“I told you not to move!” Banko screamed. “What do I have to do to let you know I’m not playing!” His voice boomed through the basement. “I’m the one with the fucking gun your mother and your baby mama’s life are in my hands Cee MINE! I call the shots!”

“Alright Alright.” Carter took back his step. “But B this is between us what do they have to do with this? They’re innocent in all of this.”

“Fuck innocent we were all innocent at a point the man you killed in this very basement was probably innocent and Carter you were innocent before you did it.” Banko snapped. “Innocent people get hurt all the time thats how the world works!”   

“Carter.” Kali cried. “Please.” She feared for her life. Carter loved her but did he really love her more than his own mother? He could find another woman make another baby but he couldn't get another mother.

“Baby its alright everything is going to be okay. Just top cryin.” Seeing her like this was killing him.  

If Viola was anything it was resourceful she could possibly talk her way out of anything. She knew she wouldn’t be able to convince Carter to choose her but she knew she could easily talk Banko into killing Kali. She could easily make him believe that killing Kali would benefit his life. It would be bullshit but Banko was crazy enough to believe it was the truth. She could do it but then she looked at Kali tied down to that chair crying her baby bump in clear view. That was Carter’s first born in there Viola’s grandchild that one life meant more than any of the adults in this basement.

“Me.” Viola finally said. “Kill me.” This was probably the most selfless thing she had ever done. She just hoped Banko killed her before she changed her mind.

“No!” Carter shook his head.

“It’s okay… Carter could you stand there and say you would choose any other way?”  Viola asked.

Carter looked at Kali and knew he wouldn’t he just couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud.

Banko began to slap himself on the head. “NO! NO! NO!” He shouted. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. Viola wasn't supposed to sacrifice herself . Her death wasn't her choice it was Carter’s and Banko was supposed to finish it. In his own sick way he and Carter were supposed to make this decision together. Just like they use to. This wasn't all about him falling in love with a man who didn't love him back. Banko wanted the position he felt entitled to. Banko was Carter’s right hand since before he could even tell his left from his right. And the moment Carter made a move to take over the game who was it that he put beside him as his partner? Tahj. Okay granted. Banko let that slide it was a family thing but then little Don was taking up all his time and it became more apparent that he was closing in on Banko’s chances to be second in command. Banko was moving further and further down the list and he didn't understand why.  Thats when his anger started the jealousy was rising in him long before Kali came along.

Carter noticed as Banko’s anger grew further and further out of control so did his body movements. He was pacing back and forth hitting himself cursing and saying things he himself probably didn’t even understand. This was Carter’s chance. He leaped forward pushing Banko’s hands up and smashing him into the wall. The fight over the gun was one Carter refused to lose.

BANG!  The power of the gun sent both of them crashing down the the floor. The basement grew silent.

“Carter! Carter.” Viola shouted. From where she was she could see both of them on the floor but neither of them were moving.

“CARTER!” Kali shouted trying her best to shift in her seat so she could see him.

“I’m alright.” Carter rolled over onto his back. He looked at Banko lying dead beside him. He truly hated that it had to come to this but Banko put this on himself. He tried to kill him almost killed Tahj killed Don kidnapped Kali and his mother he was asking for it.

“Carter!” Shouting from upstairs began.

“Down here!” Carter called out.

“You alright?” Tahj was the first to run down followed by Nate and Luther. Tahj rushed to help Viola while Nate worked on getting Kali out that chair.

“Yeah I’m fine I wasnt hit… Just help them.” Carter stood out. Looking down at the clothes he wore once again stained with somebody else's blood.

“you killed him.” Luther asked. Grateful that his son was okay.

Carter looked him up and down. “Yeah like father like son huh.” He spoke bitterly. Thats when Luther realized that Carter knew. He knew everything and it was clear he wasn’t happy about it. “ Our best friend loses it and we kill em. right? The details are a little different but history found its way to repeat it self “

“Carter.” Viola now untied tried to say something maybe she could get him to understand.

“No!” Carter backed up. “You're alive and for that I’m glad but You lied to me about my life.”

“Sweetheart I did that to protect you.”

Carter shook his head “You didn't lie to protect me you did it for yourself. you cheated on your husband because he wasnt enough and you just had to have it all. you lied to Luther and kept him at arms length  because you felt he was beneath you and you lied to me and Tahj to make yourself look good. That's just how you are. You Twist and turn the facts and use others to get what you want . To hell with anybody else. right? I was supposed to make a choice today and Viola my choice is to not have you in my life. Just stay the hell away from me."

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