18 Overprotective Yet Not Protective Enough

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“Off.” Kali pointed at Lennox who by the looks of it had no intentions on getting off her bag. “Please?” she even resorted to trying to bargain with the dog. “If you get off my bag I’ll give you a treat.” She went to tug it out from under him and still the pitt didn't budge.  “CARTER!” She shouted loudly hoping she shouted loud enough for him to hear from down stairs. Seconds later he came running in almost tripping over his own feet, Don not far behind.

“What happened are you okay! Is the baby okay!” Carter asked slightly out of breath.

Kali couldn't help but laugh. She was pregnant not made of glass. “I’m fine I just need you to get Lennox here off my bag.”

“You screamed because Lennox is laying on your purse?” Don asked. He couldn’t believe she had them run up here like mad men for nothing.

“What else was I supposed to do? he won't move!”

“I dunno maybe you could try shouting Carter Lennox won't get off my bag. specifics K we need specifics.

“Sorry, I just really need to go.”

“Where you goin!” Don and Cater seemed to say at the same time.

“Work.” She told them.  

“Work? Kali you're pregnant” Carter didn't mean to sound so old school. He just didn’t want her working at Orlando’s. Carter managed to keep her home for weeks he thought that by now Orlando would have fired her already. Orlando’s was no place for her before so it definitely was no place for now that she was pregnant.

“O just needs me to do inventory and make sure everything is okay before the night shift.” Kali told him. “Plus I want to sit in when he interviews my replacement.” She said thinking if he knew someone would be replacing her he would feel better about letting her go.

“Banko is still out there.” Hopefully the crazy man he once called a best friend running out there drugged up with a gun would put enough fear in her for her to stay home.

“When was the last time you saw or heard of him?” Kali asked. “Dont worry I’ll wait.” It’s been damn near a month and there was still no sign of Banko. By the looks of it his crazy behind was long gone. Kali didn't see the point of staying inside anymore.

“Carter its okay to breathe- it's okay to let me breathe”

“I just think you shou-”

“please babe if I stay inside any longer I’m going to lose my freakin mind!” Kali shouted moving her hands in the air as if she was about to pull her hair out.

“You're hormonal”

“I’m not hormonal!”  Kali pouted.

“Well Google tells me different.” Carter shot back.

Now Kali was poking out her bottom lip in full on baby face mode. “I just really need to get out the house. Look I’ll even bring Don with me I’ll probably just end up being stuck here with him anyways Tahj gets out the hospital today so I know you want to go see him.”

Between Carter staying with her and him out looking for Banko he hardly had anytime to spend with his big brother. “Didn’t he have something to talk to you about?”


“Good see we both have things to do today.” Kali smiled feeling accomplished. Its not that she wanted to get away from Carter she loves him its just he treats her like she will break. She even caught him watching as she slept checking if she was still breathing. She cursed Google for filling his head with all these worries.

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