15 Struggling with the truth

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Tahj felt sick to his stomach after overhearing the truth. He always thought he knew his mother. Before today he thought he could forgive Viola for anything. After all she is his mother the woman who gave him life.  He knew Viola was vindictive and deceiving lies slipped from her lips as easily as it was to count to three. But he thought she had a limit. She claims everything she does she does for him and Carter. That the decisions she makes are to protect them. Today Tahj learned she was always out for herself. She had an affair with Luther because it was all part of her scheme. Her wicked scheme to kill his father. DeAngelo may have ran this empire into the ground but the family was always good with the money he had stashed away. For all Tahj knew Viola could still be living off the money DeAngelo left behind.  

Tahj stayed hidden long enough to see a visibly irritated Luther leave and for Viola to let out a sigh of relief probably thinking her secret was safe and she could go back to deceiving them all. Backing away from the wall he stood behind Tahj turned to get back into the back yard. Stumbling a bit he bumped straight into Sasha.

“Tahj where are the Juices! You were sup-” Her eyes met her man’s eyes and right away Sasha knew something was wrong. “What happened?”

“My mother’s a bitch.” Was all he could get out right now.

Sasha laughed. “Tahj that isn't a surprise.” This was something Sasha has said plenty of times before. “What did Ursula do this time?”

“Sash for real. She lied about everything.” Tahj shook his head. Sasha pulled him aside so they could talk alone.

“Tahj you look all spaced out .” She placed the backside of her hand on his forehead. “Are you feeling okay?”

“She ordered Luther to kill my father I heard her say it”

“Oh my god.” Sasha gasped. “Babe..”

“That’s not it.” Tahj told her. “Carter is Luther’s son.”

“WHAT!” Viola being the reason for DeAngelo’s death was something Sasha always suspected. But Luther having part in it and him being Carter’s father wasn’t something that ever crossed her mind. She didn't know Luther that well but she did hear about the partnership/friendship he and DeAngelo had.

“I have to tell Carter.” Tahj said making his way toward his brother like a man on a mission.

“Whoa hold on a minute. This is our little girl’s party.” Sasha reminded him pulling him back. “Besides look who just walked in.” She nodded her head in Kali’s direction. “If you tell Carter he is going to lose it. Him choking out ya’ll mama right now is not a good look.” Viola’s dirty little secret has been hidden for this long a few more hours wasn’t going to hurt anybody.

“I won't lie to him.” Tahj told her.

“I’m not asking you to lie just bite the bullet for a few hours. You can tell him later on tonight.” Sasha could see the damage this truth could do already. She was just trying to buy everyone a little more time before the shit really did hit the fan. “I’m going to greet Kali will you be okay over here?”

“Yeah .” Tahj nodded. He’ll hold off on telling Carter for now because this was Olivia’s party. He wouldn't be the one to ruin it.


There he was. Sitting between Nate and Don. He didn't see her yet the woman standing in front of him was blocking his line of sight. Blocking him from seeing her. This was exactly what Kali feared. ‘He moved on’ Kali thought feeling like her heart has just dropped into her stomach and for a moment she found it hard to breathe.

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