prologue: error...

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On earth....
In NASA's observatory...

"Sir! We detect an unknown projectile heading to earth, it seems to be from another planet!" A staff...

"What! Imposible! There's no way a planet could target the earth from it's distance from...

Let's skip that part...

At school
Lunch time
Steve's Pov
"Im gonna get ya!" Playing minecraft... With me and alice(my phone's name) in a corner of the room...

Alice... Not brand... Name! Yup! My best friend in time in need... She is the one who likes cheering me when i got bullied

Me/Steve:a guy who likes minecraft the most in our class, brave! Not strong... Smart! But always unnoticed... Friendly! But always bullied... And most of all!

A girl with green hair, green eyes  came"Quit imagining bout yourself, loser!" Lara the bully

Lara: a cold hearted freak who likes bullying me...she is friendly among all students, but not me... I wonder why... Never have time to look for her traits, she is the weirdest classmates i have for having green hair and eyes

A guy with black hair and eye pushed her aside "Knock it off everyone have rights to imagine in this world" edgar the nerd

Edgar: a guy who likes fantasy! He always draw magic circles everywhere! But he is Friendly as ever even for a nerd

A BEAUTIFUL GIRL with B hair and eye"Yeah!" Leia my crush

Leia:the world stops everytime i see her... Wait! I got time powers?! No just joking, she is smart and always up to any activities, she always help me on anything

Just how some stories start... Let's twist something up...

"Fine!" Lara said "your reign will fall even if it comes, steve! Im the guardian mob of herobrine!" The words she said... But...

"He-herobrine?" I ask nervously "but I'm steve in real life! Not in minecraft!"

"You liar!"she shout

"Get out of here!" Edgar drag her away

"Are you alright?" Leia ask

"Yeah..."i said

*blang! Boof!* something hit our roof...

"Huh?" Both me and leia...

*BOOM!* a purple square portal apeared right in front of our eyes i fell back... My phone got suck through the portal...

"My phone!" As i run to get to the portal...

"Aha!" Lara grab my arm stoping me from getting there "i can't let you take what's not yours, i can't let you go to minecraftia! Not a chance!" She shout

"Let go!" I grab a book(dictionary) from a desk and throw it to her (never suspect it'd hit the head) it hit her head... I run again edgar and leia stopped me

"It's dangerous!" Edgar said
"Come on steve let it go" leia said

"Ugh... My head... Huh?" Lara...

"Let go!" I shout
Lara join the pull "For your own safety mister, don't go there! It's a world of danger" she said with a worried face "please..." She said

I stopped... "Fine..."
Out of knowhere a hand apeared in the portal it grab me in the leg

"Gyaa!!"leia scream

"Noo!" I shout as it pull me

Lara grab my hand "never let go!"she shout "please help me out mister" she call edgar, edgar help

I got pulled by lara and edgar

"Phew, that was scary... Huh? What am i wearing?! Where am i?! Wheres the blocks?! Gyaa! Don't look at me!" Lara shout

"What's wrong with her?" Edgar said

"Huh?" I said as the wind get's intense

"No!" Edgar got sucked in the portal

The force get stronger

"Gyaa!" Leia get's sucked in

"Help!"lara got sucked

"Gaah!" I got sucked

The portal suck us into minecraftia...

--- the guy who do the outros...---
Dun! Dun! Duuuuuuuuun!

What will happen to them?
Why are you asking me? Go find it out yourself!"
I like playing minecraft... So here you go! A story where friendship is tested, choices are made, pants are  peed,

Umm... Forget about the last part...

MineCraft! World error!

Jul 31 2016

Ey... The author here... Well, you know im a not so great as a story writer but... In ch 10 i will change the way i write bout.... 34%... Because im in ch10 by now... Love you!

MineCraft: World Error!!!Where stories live. Discover now