chapter 9: the story unfold...

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The sun is up... Steve is still down... I am crying while jenny in my side....

"Why..." I said

"Come on, you can still join them...."jenny said

"What are you talking about? I can't do that! I got myself a promise!!!" I said crying "even if i leave im still doomed!!!" I shout dropping to the ground

"..." Jenny stare at me... "Let me continue... The story..." She said

Story time
Narrator: jenny
Angelo's pov

"You crafted a spell book!!!" I said hugging her "now that's annie!" I said proudly

"Giggle... Yeah... "She went back to the brewing...

"Hmm..." I thought of something... "Say, you've been brewing that potion... How bout we go out for sometimes?" I ask grinning

"Nope" she said focusing dropping Redstone dust in the brewing stand

"Come on! Or You'll be my guardian mob..."i said

"Meh..." She said putting potions in the stand

"Or..." I got interrupted

Because of irritating her..." Ok! Whatever you're gonna say this the last thing you'll ask!!!"she said

"Hehehe... Fine, if you can't brew this potion you will do the two things i said" i said grinning

"A kid would only do that bet..." She said standing up

"We are kids... Well, if you're not good enough..." I grin "you can't bet, because it's impossible... Right?" I said

"FINE!!!" She shout "I'll bet what you said, and if i win... You'll be my guardian mob and you'll do ANYTHING i say!" She said

"F-fine!! But don't go crying ok?" I said "pinky promise?" I ask

"Yeah..." She said then we pinky promise

5 days later...
Night time
"Enemies!!!" A guy shout running to our house... "Quick!! Kids! They're here!!!"

"Quick! Annie pack up!!!" I said

"Yep! Right behind ya!" She said packing up

I grab my bow then head to the door...

A giant is heading towards us...

"Come on!!!" I shout

"Wait a sec!!!" She shout as she grab the brewing stand...

It is getting near

"Gyaaaaaaaaaa!!!" The guy got pulled into the darkness by something....

"Annie!!!" I shout as i shoot arrows to the advancing mobs

"My potions!" She shout then take it all with her.... "All packed!!!" She shout

We run to the forest road leading to the village we outran the giant but we got surrounded

"Hey, angelo? You ready for this?" She ask holding a potion...

"Yep!" I said as she toss the potion i catches it, then drink it...

I felt incredibly strong

I load my bow.... Then hit the mobs in front... As we run i shoot and shoot then we arrived...

"Ok... Were save..." I said

"No..." She said

"Everyone?" I ask as i notice no one...

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