chapter11: mission gone wrong

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Since then my life becomes sad...

I always got scolded by my parents being a nerd...

I lost my reasons to live...

this story has been forgotten...

My game MineCraft in my phone
Has been deleted...

I uninstalled wattpad...

This story is next to impossible to be published

Till one night when I'm asleep a girl told me...

"You're gonna do great even no one likes you! I'm always here! Remember, forget the haters if somebody likes you! Just believe!"she said

This has been a mystery for me...

But now I'm enlightened to continue what i started!

Even without the game in my phone I'll continue!

This what I've written is not just for you to read this story even more

This is for you to believe in yourself!

Even whoever, whatever, or whichever you are!

You are YOU!!!

No one can change that!

Will this be a life lesson to you!

P.S. this chapter's past name is the spies, but it's change so i change the outro of ch 10... But overall enjoy reading

-the author,

Continuing to where i left off...

"What do we have here?" Nenny with some assassins...

"Ne-Nenny?!" I said

"Stay cool man!" Angelo said, Nenny look at me..."my friend here has been a huge fan! How did you finish all that mission without losing your bow?!" He said

She patted me in the head... "Sorry but now it's broken..." She said sweetly

"Umm... About that Ma'am, where does it's magic come from?" I ask

"Hmm... I never have fans for the rest of my life... Assassins tell me your reasons" She said

"Umm..." Assassin1-8

"If you all tell me what's in your mind you'll get a raise!"she said

"You kill without mercy!!!" A1

"You are such a frikken sadist!!!"A2


"You're always acting not lady like!!!"A4

"We hate you!!!"A5

"You're a bad person!!!"A6

"You love herobrine!!!"A7

"You betray your sister!!!"A8

"YOU ARE ALL GONNA DIEEEEEE!!!!" She pull out her sword

I stopped her sword with my palm, it became wounded...

"Gaaah!!!" I shout in pain

"Steve!!!" Angelo shout

All assassins even nenny look at me...

"I mean Evet!" He said

"Nenny they are sp-" before A4 could finish...

"Get healing potions! Quickly!!!" Nenny shout worried

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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