chapter 7: the charged self!

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"Gyaaa!!!" The hunters fell back from the explosion some are sent flying...

"Lara snap out of it!" Jenny shout

"I won't!" Lara charged into the enemies...

*KAAABOOOOOOOOM!!!!* the ground trembles as a large creater is created...

"Eeeek!" Jenny's head hits a tree causing her to faint...

"Assassins! Attack!!!" The guy in command said

"Heh!" Lara rushes "face death!!!" The creepers try to stop her... "Don't stop me!!!!" She explodes making 9 creepers fell to 4....

"She's mad!!!" An assassin said

Back at me...

"What do you mean?!" I ask

"Every creeper have a bad side too... Creepers are emotional creatures... They are always sad... And if their hatred reaches max... They'll go all out then destroy everything in it's path... If she don't get back to normal before 5 hours... She will never know her nice self again..." Angelo said

"How can we change her back?!" I ask

"I don't know... But we got 1 hour before sunset and charge creepers gain power in darkness, and if that happened..." Angelo said

"1 hour?! We need to hurry!" I said

"If we run in this phase we'll get there after 30 mins... Were too late..." Angelo said

Wendy put a lead in her collar... And her back... "Master jump in my back! She needs you!" She said

I jump in her back... She run as fast as she could...

After 17 mins

"Whew... Were... Here..." Wendy faints

"Jen! Wake up!" 3 men of jenny's command

The back ups are now only 6...

Enemies are reduced and now 10....

Creepers... 3...

"So? Which will i choose to kill..." Lara said...

"Lara! Stop!" I shout

"Heh! You can't stop me!" She said then kill 5 assassins with electricity...

"No more! No more!" The leader of the group...

"Back up!" Another group of assassins 40 more...

"Jen wake up!" The hunters...

"Zzzz...." Wendy

"Gyahahahahaha!!!"lara evilly laugh

"Everyone reatreat to kilater!!!" I shout

I pulled wendy...

We got away from lara safely...

In kilater... Chiefs house

"What shall we do... Night time..."angelo said

"I'll be going alone..." I said

"Jenny's awake!" Wendy shout
we rush to Edgar's house

"Jenny!" I shout "you're ok!" I said

"Yeah... But lara isn't..." She said

"I know... We will go back there..." I said

"Yeah..."wendy said

"She is an unstoppable threat... If she don't change back to normal..." She pause

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