chapter 4.5 : sunrise...

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Steve's POV
"Oof!" I said as i exercise my body before sunrise...

I craft another iron sword... Out of iron... I'll go mining!

I grab the pickaxe in the chest a sword and a torch... That's the only thing in my back...

"Yawn..." I stretch my body...

I went out "2 more hours before sunrise..." I said

"Hey! Who goes there!" Jenny's voice from the blacksmith

"It's me! Steve!" I said

"Oh, what are you doing? It still night!"jenny said

"Well ill go mining..." I said...

"Oh, is that so? Go in the cave cautiously..." She said

"Your not gonna help me?" I ask

"Meh!" She said

In the cave...

"Hrmm!" I mine irons... I thought she'd help... 39 mins later... This is a lot harder than the game... You don't need to wait while holding the screen or mouse... You need strength and stamina...

"Ssssss...." Creeper noises...

"Oh no! time to run!" I said

"Steve wait!" Lara's voice

"Hi lara what are you doing here?" I ask

"I now live here, right? Well if you're out mining this early... Here!" She gave me a whole lot of iron ingots

"Woah! Where'd you find this?" I ask

She blush.... "Somewhere here.... But it's yours now! Ill go back to sleep..." Before she leave i grab her hand

"Come on, let's see the sunrise...."

Up in a tree....

"Here it comes..." I said as the sun rise it's a yellow block

"Wow.... It's beautiful..." Lara said

"Yep! Isn't it a good thing to see this every morning?" I said

"Yeah... Like you..."she said blushing

I blush" w-what do you mean?" I ask

"Cause i don't always see your smile last time on earth.... All i see is fear from your eyes..." She frowns

"Hey! It's ok! Like i always said..." "Forget the things you've done wrong yesterday, and be happy that your right in what you do today" i said

"Giggle! Thanks!" She hugged me

We watched the sun rise...

Aug 15 2016

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