chapter 10: the preparation

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Steve's pov

Walking to the chiefs house

In the morning sun...

Wendy is in my back while i am talking to lara....

Lara is saddened with her loss it's been day 4...

"Im sorry about your brother..." I said tapping her back

"Gwaaaah! Steve! Waaah! Sob... My brothers... Waaaah!!!" She hug me tightly while crying...

Wendy and i look at each other....

Wendy is hardly containing her laugh from how lara is crying...

I then remember about how SHE cried too...

"Lara... How bout you leave the fighting to us, you suffered a lot..." I said hugging her

"But... Sob, how can.... Sob, i ever repay you? Sob..." She cried...

"You've done enough..." I said then let go... Holding her in both shoulders... "Look at me, I'm not angry at you, right? You don't have to sacrifice for me, you may be my bully, but whenever you're in need im the one who helps... Now come on... Don't ever sacrifice..." I said

She let go then hug me... "But all i do to you is wrong! Sob... And as a guardian mob i can't... Sob, do that! Sob" she cry

"It's true... Being a Guardian mobs loses his/her will to do what she likes for herself... She/he will devote his/her life for the one he/she is serving.... It's the only way...."wendy said

"Sob..." Lara cry....

"Well, how bout you?!" I ask

"Me? Im your pet, i can do my things but you're in command!" She said

"So?" I ask

"It's the different thing! I can't disobey whatever your orders! Meanwhile... The gaurdian mob can't too... But even if the master order the mob to leave him/her alone it will never work.... But if you tell the pets that, they will obey without complain... Get it?" Wendy ask

"I can't take responsibilities! What if i kill myself?!" I ask

"Good question! We both die!" Wendy said

"What?" I said

"Devoting our life, for you means, you die we die, or we die to make you live!" Lara said

"Exactly!" Wendy said...

"What?! N-no way! I won't take the chance! I rather be commanded than a commander!" I shout...

"Great! Now pack your bags and check your sword... Were moving the villagers to bon town for safety..." She said

"Bon town?" I ask

"A town popular for using bows for war all hunters came from this town, probably the 13th largest town" wendy...

"You'll be the one gaurding the center of the group... Blend in the villagers..." She said

"But! They are blocky! Im not!" I said

"Well? You can't be noticed! Besides..."she said then look at lara and wendy... "Assassins are afraid of creepers, and skeletons are afraid of wolves... So creepers and zombies are the problem... But us hunters will take care of them..."

"Yeah..." I said...

"We'll come back after the villagers have gone to safety... then tighten the defense after... It will be a long day..."she said

Packing up my stuff...

"So were leaving kilater? Then come back?" I ask wendy as she pack her stuff from her chest

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