chapter 5: the wolf girl

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*crunch, crunch* i ate a cooked pork then grab my sword but i accidentally grab a bone..."silly me..." I put it back then grab my sword... i went outside and jenny's waiting just outside my door...

"What's wrong?" I ask

"We've lost contact to the backup hunters... We lost contacted when they reach the forest 1 and half hour before sunrise..." She said

"Woah! Do You have powers or something to contact them?" I ask surprisingly

"Maps... Only maps..." She said...

"We need to find them!" I said

"It's still a bad idea... But they surely can scape any assassins... Huh?" We saw a man running from the forest...

"Help! Someone!" He carried a bow... A hunter "graaah!" He got pulled to the darkness...

"Assassins!" I said

"No..." Jenny said then point at the forest.... Red glowing eyes... "Wolves...."

"What's going on!?" Angelo came out of the chief's house with 5 hunters...

"Heh! Such back ups won't reach you!" A girl with wolf ears and a tail grey hair grey eyes with a red colar and a cloak... "I'm wendy! The wolf queen! With 20 wolf brothers! 1 killer bite and whole lot of speed!"

"Yeah, yeah, stop your yappi'n get ready to face an arrow in your head!" Angelo shout

"Don't underestimate him, angelo may be a kid..." jenny said

"Im not! Im your age!" He shout

"... But he is the 'one shot kill' hunter we are proud most!" Jenny said

"Hmph! Let's see your skill!"she said

"8 against 21?" I ask...

"Yawn.... What did i miss?" Lara said as she walk out of the mineshaft...

"Eeeeeeek!!!! A creeper!!!" Wendy with the wolves run in fear....

*woooosh!* an arrow sailed with a string attached... It hit the girl in the collar... But not in her throat....

"Uugh!"she said as she got pulled by jenny....

"Your gonna talk? Or your gonna talk?"jenny said...

In Edgar's house....

Wendy is tied on a chair

"Tell me, do you ambush our allies?! Yes or no?"jenny ask

"No!" She said

"Yes or no?" Angelo said

"No!" She said

"If you don't answer!" Jenny said

"Come on guys! Even if you ask her a thousand time, yes or no is the only answer, Just ask her questions without yes or no..." Lara said

"Lara is right..." I said

"Fine... Wolves are always active every night right?" Jenny ask

"Yeah?" She said

"Tell me... WOLF QUEEN... What did you do 1 and a half hours before sunrise?" Jenny ask

"E-ehh? I hunt in the forest not away from here with my brothers... Herobrine commanded us to be on a look out for hunters going to kilater... But i never kill the group, just that one person!"she said

"Hmm..." Jenny thinks " what's our number?" She ask angelo

"We only got 11 hunters remaining, 3 past away last night because of deep wounds and poison arrows... 4 is still in bad shape... Me you for the hunters... lara and her 10 creepers... And you?" He ask

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