chapter2: the opportunity always needs cost...

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"Where is Steve?!" Herobrine shout at the villagers...

"I'm here you idiot!"I shout as loud as it could get

"The hero is here! Hah! Such fool..." He snap his fingers...

20 blocky zombies wearing iron helmet raise from the grounds

"Hehehe... I'm just joking" i said

"Attack!!!" Herobrine shout

"2 against 20, it seems unfair!" Lara shout

"It's cool! Just... Run!!!" I shout...

Lara grab my back "don't be scared! I'm here!" She said...

Meanwhile in the east part of the village...

"Hmm... So this is kilater ville" a girl hunter... She have blonde hair and grey eyes... Wearing leather clothing have a bow a quiver stacked with 15 bows and an iron sword in her belt... A battle ready hunter...

"Sigh... Why would i get send to this village... I'll just quit my job..." She said

"Gyaaaaaaaaa!" A high pitched scream of a guy... The villager... He came across the girl... "Herobrine is here!!!" He shout....

"Don't worry i, Jenny the leader of the hunters will kill herobrine!" She said...

In our situation...

*pant, pant* we only killed ten...

"My body... Is... Giving up?..." I said as i fall beside lara

"Steve, steve, steve..." Herobrine said "who are you fighting for?"

"For... The mobs you control and this world you edit!" I said then gain energy to barely stand up... "You can't defeat me!" I shout

"Nonsense kid..."a girl showed up... "Your sword skill is as dull as a wooden sword..."

"Well lookie here! A girl! Hah! And not just any girls! The popular girl who join the rebel team hunters... Jenny... The most serious of all of the commanders... Let's see your real skill..." He said then snap his finger...

A whole lot of mobs appeared

50 blocky zombies wearing iron helmet appeared making them total 60...

"Hrmm... Ill only use my sword
..." She pull her sword... "Sword of life!" She shout... "Let us begin!" She said

she slash the heads of the zombies as fast as a lightning with the speed of a ninja she cut through the numbers, i grab my sword then hit the zombies.... Lara is still down... She slice dice and dodged multiple zombie attacks...
All the zombies fell then despawn

"Now where's herobrine..." I try to search for him...

"Not bad for ya..." She said "ill be going then..."

Then out of nowhere herobrine grab her sword then land far from us....

"Give that sword back!" Jenny said

"Sword of life... A sword where you gain your strength,  and skill, without it... YOU'RE NOTHING!!!" he destroy the sword

"Gyaa!" Jenny fell... "You... Idiot..." She faints

"Sht..." I fell on my knees

"No one can save you now... Brother!" He shout

"Portal!" Edgar shout

I turn my head around he is grinning at me...

A portal showed up in herobrine's back he is being sucked in it

"Dark power!!!"herobrine shout

A huge spear showed up... Then strike... It hit edgar...

"That's for anything... Remember! Im giving you a week! Ill be back!" He's gone



A white scenery....

"You've grown so big..." A girl's voice...

"Huh?" I look around

A white girl she is still not clear...

"W-who are you?" I ask

"I'll explain later... Your friend is in pain... Ill give you strength to wake up... Ill see you around... Steve..."

*wake up*

"Huh?" I look around, in the front of the witch hut... edgar is fading away...

"Edgar!"i run to him...

"S-steve is that you? *cough, cough*" he said as his body is fading

"Yup! Im right here bud... Sob..." I started crying... "why would you do that?!" I shouted at him...

"Everyone have a role to act... Yours is important... Please... Save minecraftia..." He then despawn...

Hmm... What happened? Edgar died?! Lara faints?! And the hunter girl's in 50-50?! And who is the white girl?!
Find out in chapter III

Aug 3 2016

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