chapter 8:the legend...

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Angelo's POV
In the chief's house

"Steve, lara, wendy, is sleeping in the witch hut quietly " i said to jenny

"Yeah... Sorry that we never make it... Cause... why don't you said you left?! We were about to leave the village but we can't find you! so we search everywhere, now you're here saying we are useless?!" Jenny said

"Well, it's your fault!" I said

"Cut it out! We don't need anger, we need ideas! When will they woke up?" The chief said

"Don't worry! Steve and wendy will wake up tommorow!" I said

"Then if that so... Take a nap, get ready for tommorow..." Jenny said

"Yeah, yeah..." I walk outside for a walk

Then I went in the witch hut
*in a dream....*


???? Years ago... 6 years old
"Sob... No one cares about me..." I said crying...

"There is...." A witch by the same age as me... said....

*wake up*

"H-huh?! Where, huh? Oh... Just a dream..." I said then jump out of bed...

I cook some pork... As i eat

6 years old
"You're safe here..." The witch girl... In the witch hut

"Cough... Cough..." I drop to the ground....

"Huh? Angelo! Angelo!!!" The witch

End of flashback

I dropped the cooked pork..

"Where... Did i came from?" I said

10 mins later

"Good job guys!" Jenny said as they came back to the village from the morning patrol...

"Jenny... We need to talk..." I said

"Ok... What is it?" She ask

"When did i join the hunters?"i ask

"Oh, you've already come to your senses.... Well, you join the hunters for the past 7 years... You then got amnesia after 2 months of joining... No one than us hunters know this but... You've died... Then lived again...."she said

"Huh?!" I said...

"Such a journey you've been... Just searching for that witch...." She said

"Eh, that? Who's this witch?" I said...

"You wanna know your past story first?" She ask

"Yeah..." I said

"You've told us every adventures you had... Now let's begin to the beginning..."

Story time...
POV of angelo
6 years old

"Huff..." I practice my bow skills as a kid by pulling a string from a small bow...

"No, no, no!" My dad said as he open the door of our house "you are are going to be a soldier not an archer!"

"But dad! I hate swords!" I said hugging my bow

"You hate it or not! Bows are the tools fools use! Hiding in the shadows then killing the target far away... Such fools!" He said looking away

"I want nothing but a bow!" I said as i move closer to him

He grab my bow... Break it... then tossed it aside

Tears came out my eyes.... As i grab the broken pieces

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