chapter 9.5: the moonlight

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Steve's pov...

"Yawn... Huh?" I look at my side wendy is sleeping...

A note is written in the wall...

This is lara, i guess I'll be in the cave for this day... I lost my brothers... No disturbance...

I eat steak then wake up wendy...

"Evening sleepy head..." I said...

"Oh! Master! How nice of you... Yawn..... So how did it go?" She ask sitting up

"What?" I ask as i bite the steak

"Is lara ok?" She ask

"Yeah... But i guess a trauma hit her...."i said

"Aw... Poor thing..." She said then look outside...

"Everyone's asleep now... Maybe i should sleep too...." I said then she grab my hand....

"Come on...." She said smiling


We go out for awhile....

"Where are we going?" I ask as we ran to the dark forest...

"Don't worry, this will be a great experience!" She put on a beautiful smile

Up in the mountain....

"Wow...." I said looking around

"Pretty beautiful up here right?" She said sitting down

"Yeah!" I said as i sit beside her "Say, is this place somewhat special..."

"Yes... I remember when I'm just a pup whenever I'm here in the mountain top.... I don't dress like this... I can't use swords... Life was great, and herobrine is not yet  the ruler..." She said looking up

"So? How old are you then..." I ask...

"Well.... Im just too old... But.... 14..." She said embarrassed

"Im 14 too you know! Why are you so embarrassed about?" I ask looking at her....

"Say master.... Could you do me a favor...."she ask looking at the moon

"Sure, what is it?" I ask

"This is sudden... But... As a wolf... I may not live longer than 14..." She said looking down

"W-what?!" I said

"The only thing that can help me is... A boyfriend...." She said

"What?! A b-boy friend?!" I said standing up surprised

"Pffft! Hahahahahahaha!!! You think it's a fact?! Hshahahaha!" She laugh standing up

"Haha... Very funny... Come here you!" I said as i hug her " as a master... Please... Don't take anything a laughing matter... You're not just some side character in a story... You're special...." I said

"That's my master..." She said as she hug back...

Walking back...

Wendy's pov

"Man... It sure is great to see the moonlight..." He said with his hands in the back of his head...

"Yeah! I know right? It sure makes you ok..." I said smiling

" yeah... But I'll check on lara too... She's in shock... I gotta hurry back... See ya!" He ran fast as he can...

"See? He's not the one!" Nendy said in my mind... Nendy is the girl that appears when i got red eyes... Or my other half if you would say it... She's expert on killing but not that evil for a person... It's our only secret that will never come out...

"I'm telling you! He is!" I shout "hm! You have a crush on him too right?!" I said

"Well... Yeah... In a way..." She said blushing in my mind...

Steve comes back then hold my hand tight then run back to the village

"W-wait! Why do you come back?" I said

"As i said, you're not just a side character in my life..." He said

"E-eh?!" I said blushing

Sept 13

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