Chapter 3: in the woods

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"Sob..."in Edgar's house i cry...

"..." Jenny is still in shock in the armoury

"Gyaa!!" Lara jumped out of bed
"Chief! She's awake!" A villager said...
"Huh? Wha? Where am i?" Lara said
Lara's POV
"Calm down... Your still here... One of your friend died..."

I grab my jacket ( I'm wearing t-shirt if you ask :P ) near the bed's end then put it on

"Umm... You need to rest for the injuries you took..."the chief said as i put my socks...

"Yeah, what chief said is right..." The villager said

I put my shoes on...." You don't get it do you?..." I grab the gunpowder in the chest...

"Huh?" The villager said

"I became his enemy since kids... Therefore i'll make him feel better!" I said as i close the chest

Jenny's POV

"Hmm..." I said "crying about things won't solve anything... As long as i got my bow with me i am unstoppable..." I'll go see steve to ask a few things...

3 person's POV
"Sir! Our elite Assassins are here" a Zombie said

"Good..."herobrine grins as a group of humans come in

"Why do you wish to summon us milord?" Nenny said as she kneel

"I have seen your sister in kilater... Her sword is broken... We have the upper hand... Destroy the hunter's camp near kilater... If that camp is destroyed... The attack in the full moon will be unstoppable..."

"Yes master..." She said then they all leave

"Your dead steve..." Herobrine said

Steve's POV
"Sob..." I wipe my tears...
"Hey..." Lara walks in "don't cry! She hug me... As a creeper we know all emotional pain... Come on, cheer up!" She said
"How can i cheer up at a time like this..."i said
"Well! If you cry... His sacrifice will go to waste, if you practice your swordman skills, you'll make his sacrifice worth it" she said

I look at her as she hold my hand...

"And i, for myself WILL help you fight herobrine..." She said

"Thanks..." I said

"Ahem! I will too..." Jenny said

"Hey thanks!" I said

"No thanks, im just doing my job..." She said coldly...

"Woah, how rude..."lara said

"There is a camp outside this village my troops await my orders... With my sword broken it will be dangerous to go alone... I believe ambush is possible" She said

"We'll help!" Lara said

"3 will be a company... Noises will attract the enemies..."she said

"Lara can help! Creepers are silent creatures, they are camouflaged in green, and mostly of all she can solve a maze just to get at the target," i said

"Meh..." She said

"Why?" I said

"Ask her..." She said

"Ehehehe... I explode when i got shocked...."lara smiles.... "How about you go?" Lara said to me

"What?" I said

"It'll be fun! You will fight mobs in the way! You will be just like training in the woods!" She said

In the forest...

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