Chapter 4: the night that she can't forget

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Steve's POV

In kilater...

I put down the guy on a chair... Everyone in my back is hunters wounded or sad...
I let out a sigh as i sit down on the wooden floor

"12,13, and angelo 14... We lost 13 we're 27 before..."

"Hmm..." The guy on a chair wakes up... "Huh? Where am i?"

"Angelo!" Jenny go next to him

"Your safe now!" Lara said

"Woah!" He stand up quickly

"He have a trauma of creepers..."jenny said

"Oh, sorry..."lara said

"Hmm... It's getting dark... Chief can they stay in your house for the night?" I ask

"Yes... As long as i can help..." He said...

"Lara?" I ask

"Im gonna stay at the mineshaft, i sometimes explode while sleeping, peace!" She smiled then leave with her creeper allies

"Jenny?" I ask

"I'll stick in the blacksmith..." She leave

"I'll be here..." Angelo said

"Bye..." I leave then head to Edgar's house...


"Snore..." Lara sleeps peacefully surrounded with the sleeping creepers...

"Im... Not... Sleeping..." Jenny said as she stand still, sleeping...

"Zzzzz" angelo

"...." Me sleeping

But just outside the village....

3rd person's pov
"Were gonna put a siege on this village" A humanoid girl with grey eyes and black hair skeleton...

"B-but! Is it wrong that you take command of 20 zombies,
sister?" A humanoid girl zombie with yellow eyes and green short hair with an innocent cute face... But she's not a kid

"Hmph! You're not mature enough! And don't call me sister!" The girl skeleton

"Hrmm..." The zombie girl frowns and look down...

"Ok, here's the deal, if you kill the witch inside that witch hut you will command this zombies next time and I'll command my group... Witches are easily killed by zombie bites..."the skeleton girl smiled

"I-i'll try!" The zombie girl said

"That's the spirit!" The girl skeleton

Back at me
Steve's pov

"Hrm... Wha..." I wake up because of noises... I look at the window... Zombie siege! I grab a sword
*pag! Pag! Pag!* i heard someone knocking at the door
"Oh! I forgot i put a lock on the door!" I said then open the door i drag the girl in then give her the sword
"H-huh? W-what?" She said i can't see her face clearly...
"Ok stay here!" Now where did i put my sword?..."
*shank!* a noise of a sword hitting wood... I look back the sword she's holding, nearly hit me... But is pointing at another sword...

"Hey! Thanks!" I said then reach the sword

"Eh! Wait!"she stop me as i step near the door

"What?" I ask

"Stay still!" She strike her sword on my shoulder...

Surprisingly she hit a zombie near my neck "thank you very much!"

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