chapter 6: training is HARD!!!

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"Yawn..." I said while waiting...

"Go back to the den... I'll call you guys later..."wendy said

The wolves run back to the forest...

"You said you know how to use swords right?" I ask

"Yup master!" She said

"Can you teach me how to use the sword correctly?" I ask

"Very well..." I tossed her a sword she catches it... "First of first..."

Afternoon- 4 hours before sunset....

"You learn so quick master!" She said "I've learn all this techniques for almost 1 month! You learn with just one day!" She said

"Where do you learn this things?" I ask

"Nenny..." She said

"Oh..." I said

"I guess your ready to face 20 zombies with that!" She said

"Ehehe... Im a bit embarassed... Thank you... But... They sure is so late... They should be back by now..." I said

"Don't worry! If things get out of hand I'll take you to a far away land and we'll live there peacefully!" She said

"Now, where do you get these ideas...." I said

"Hmm..." She starts looking at the sun...

"What do you think we'll do to get rid of boredom..." I said

"Come! Let's hunt bunnies!" She said

In the forest...

Chasing a bunny...

"Dang it!" I said as it get away...

"You can do it master! It's part of your training! Speed! And chasing a fast thing without fail is a great characteristics of a wolf!" She said "even your not a wolf..."

"I can do this!" I run again then chase another bunny...

After several tries...

"Got it!" I said as i catch one

"Nice job master! Now, set it free..." She said

I put it down softly...

In a river

"This time focus! Fish here!" She said

"I thought were only doing this to get rid of boredom..." I complain

"Now be a good master and fish here..." She said

"I thought the master is the one who give orders..." I said then i fish....

"Come on! Focus... Know when to hit... Don't just strike all the time..." She said

Bubbles appear... *splash!* " i caught one!" I said

"Nice job! Now, set it free..."she said...

In the cave...

"Here's a bow!" She give me one bow and 5 arrows...

"Thanks... What will i  do with this..." I ask...

"Hunters always use bows... And this is how nenny practice with her bow... Ahoooo!!!!" She howls....

Bats came out...

"5 arrows, 5 Shots, 5 kill" she said

I tried my hardest, but, i can't hit even one...

"Why?... I can't hit..." I said

She pat my back "master, don't be sad... It's just not your passion... Use your sword this time..." She said

I slice flying bats in halves.... 5 strike, 6 kills!

"Your amazing master!" She wags her tail...

3 hours before sunset...

Walking home

"Yawn... I'm beat!" I said

"Now that's a sign of improvement, good job master!" She said

"Steve!" Angelo rushes in... "We got a situation here!" He said as he run to us.. "We are being sliced by the assassins! We need your help! Well... No one can defeat you except your brother! That's a fact! Come on!" He said

"Master?" She ask

"Let's go!" I said

"Master? Wait you tame her! How awesome!"he said

"For some reasons... Never mind!" I said

In the battlefield...

*boom!!!* *woosh* *shing* *graboom!* the war rages from 5 to 4 the hunters of jenny's command went down... The back ups who is holding for almost half a day is 20 to 10... Creepers of lara is in good shape but from 10 to 9... Assassins is 50 to 38....

"They are harder this time... With diamond armor..." A Hunter

"No regrets! Attack!" Jenny shout...

"Ack!" Lara got hit... She fall down then faint... the creepers despawn...

"Your so called hope is deflating give it up!" The assassin's group leader...

"No! I'm giving you a chance to surrender! Or we'll kill you!" Jenny said

"S-she's right...."lara barely stand up... The creepers spawn again... "I won't go down!" Lara shout

"Sit this one out lara... You're badly injured... From the last one and this one..." Jenny said

"What? Then steve will say I'm no use?! I will do everything to protect him! Even with my life!!!" She shout *kabooooom!!!!* a large lightning strike hit her... Her clothes turn blue and her eyes turn red... "Heh... Let the real fight begin..." She grin evilly

Back at steve...

Running through the forest...

"We got a problem with the assassins our numbers are dropping... Lara is our hope but she is starting to fell back... We need another mob to fight the assassins!" Angelo said

"Right!" Wendy said

"You sure? Your fighting nenny?" I said

"Nenny's not in command... If you think it's an easy win it's not..." Angelo said

*KABOOOOM!!!!!!!* a large explosion is heard...

"That's?" I ask

*sniff, sniff* "i smell electricity..." Wendy said "and a lot of use of gunpowder..."

"Shoot! Hurry!!!" Angelo said then run

"What? What is it?" I ask

"Lara! Lara summoned her evil self! The charged creeper!" Angelo said

"Evil.... Self?" I ask...

Chapter 6 finished
*booom!!!* it's the end guys! "Lara wait for me!" Steve said
"Wait for the next chapter steve... I'm still warming up..." Lara said

"Next on minecraft world error! Chapter 7! The charged self!" Both lara and steve

"Woah really you got a charged self? Your beautiful in your normal self!" Steve

"Yeah... And i got a blushing face too..." Lara

"Wait, what?" Steve

Aug 17 2016

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