Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

God where the hell is she? It's been 20 minutes and I have no indication of anything. Time is going by faster and faster every minute I waste sitting here. The motel isn't far so it shouldn't of taken 20 minutes. It's like a 3 minute walk.

I shake my hands, moving the cuffs against the bench arm rest.

"Styles you need to stop that. We're going to be taking you to the station in just a moment so sit still." The cop turns away and continues to talk to the bar tender.

Fucking Christ. This can't happen again. Management is going to be pissed. They probably already are considering the fact we have lost all means of communication for the past 24 hours. But the fact I'm going to jail, last time I barely got out, I don't know what's going to happen this time. It wasn't like I just came into the bar and started throwing punches. I said a few words to the guy, he spit in my face, and then I started to punch. Anyway, considering the fact that last fight was worse I might be let off. But who knows if they give second chances these days.

Adalaide's POV
Zack shuts the door behind him. He leans back against it with his hands behind his back. "It won't take long." He snickers, not showing his teeth.

"Excuse me?" I question in disgust. "Open the door, there is an emergency happening at the moment. I don't have time for this." I cross my arms trying to stay tough and nonchalant about this. If Zack lays a finger on me I will wait no more than a second to notify the police.

"No matter what you do to me, it won't matter. I've been through worse, and the police will take care of this. You will be arrested." I take a few more steps back. Zack stays at the door, looking down at his dusty shoes and smiling.

"The police won't find me." His eyes meet mine. "Do you think this is my first rodeo?" His Scottish accent grew thicker.

"I know your name. They will find you, and they will have you rot."

Zack starts to laugh as if this entire thing was a prank. "Darling, I'm already rotting." He smiles again making his decaying teeth show. Grime and dirt filled the cracks of the teeth as yellow saliva coated the outer bits of them.

"Is this what you always do? To every girl who comes in here? I'm clearly not the first person you've tried this trick with."

"My, you're a stubborn one ain'tcha. Though, you are the first one who has been fightin' with me like this. It won't last long of course as you see, times running out. Your little friend will be here in 20 er so minutes, I don't need that long." Zack begins to saunter closer to me. I back up hitting the wall behind my stance.The room begins to slowly move in towards itself. Making me claustrophobic. He opens the drawer and drops the letter of his address into it.

"Just stay still it'll only be a moment." He closes the drawer and lunges toward me, grasping me wrist, pinning me against the wall. He sticks his nose into my neck. The hot breath is acidic to feel. The alcoholic stench burns my nose. He takes a deep breath in. It's unbearable

"Don't be scared. I'm not a bad guy, I just get cravings, urges if you will. I can't control it. I just need the satisfaction of a young lass looking as fine as yourself."

He lets go of my wrist and places me on the desk next to him. His hand trails up my thigh to my zipper.

"Please stop." I scowl. My eyes started to well. Acting tough didn't work, acting like there was no use didn't work. Cowering was my last line of defense. I didn't know what else to do. Nobody is here. No one can stop him. Punching him would just make him beat me. My punch wouldn't even affect him since hes three times the size of me.

His hand lowers my zipper. My head turns away as I begin to surface the emotions I've been feeling. A small tear streams down my numb cheek.

His cold hands feel around my hips getting closer to his coiled plan. His hand trails up my hip bone and down my thighs in a repetitive motion. "It only hurts till' it stops hurtin'." He mutters into my ear, centimeters away from my face. The heat is rising in my stomach. Nausea hits me like a ton of bricks. My palms grow sweaty and my forehead turns damp. The uncomfortable feeling is making my anxiety high.

His left hand makes his way down my pants rubbing the cotton sewing. His right hand grabs my wrist, forcing me to lightly rub his jaw. He's trying to get a rise out of me, a high for himself. All that is happening is the sick feeling in my gut. My stomach turns. "You're hands are so soft you know? I bet a lot of boys like it when you touch them like how you're going to be touching me." He laughs maliciously. I take in a deep breath so the hyperventilating wont make me pass out. He forces my wrist down to his bulge, rubbing lightly once again. "Rub harder." He spits. "You are fucking disgusting." I manage to say although I feel my lungs choking up. The taste of metal fills my mouth.

What the hell is he talking about? He's forcing me to do these things. I am the puppet to his games. I don't want to be physically hurt anymore, I might get sent to the hospital again. I try to force my hand away. Once I pulled towards myself, he pulled straight back, harder. It felt like him dislocating my arm but it couldn't of been that bad.

"Hello?" A faint voice from the other side of the door says. "Hello? I'd like to stay in a room?" He says a little louder. "Is anyone here?" The man is starting to get anxious.

Oh thank God someone is here.

"Fuck." Zack lets go of me and slowly paces to the door. He slightly opens it and makes his way out without revealing me.

"Help!" I scream as loud as I could. My voice cracks. "Someone help me please!" I scream louder. I zip up my pants and jump off the counter. I wipe my face from the tears. I stumble a bit, I grab my head to help me regain my mentality.

I run over to the door and start banging. "Please somebody help me!" I twist the knob but it's locked.

I hear the man speak to Zack, "Hey what are you doing?" He asks. Zack doesn't reply. Seconds later the door bursts open.

I stood back still relieved I am found. I look past the man, seeing Zack on the ground rubbing his head.

"Did he..?" He asks. I cover my face with my hands, tears again, begin to flow down my face. I nod answering his unfinished question.

He walks over to me and takes my hand, walking me out of the motel.

"Wait," I sniff. "I'm waiting for someone, it's important I can't leave." Remembering that I'm meeting Zayn here will bring too much confusion and unnecessary trouble if I leave. But it seemed the trouble already happened when I stayed.

"I'm Adalaide." I stutter. The cold breeze is blowing through my clothes.

"I'm Caleb." He pulls out his hand from his pocket, I begin to shake it when I realize it's prosthetic. Now it's obvious I'm being rude. It just caught me by surprise. Noticing I'm still delaying the hand shake, which is supposed to be a simple gesture, I am over thinking the situation and probably looking like an asshole now.

I shake my head and shake his hand. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to take that long to shake it."

He replies with a small laugh. "No, really I'm so sorry." I cover my face with my hands again, but this time out of embarrassment.

"It's okay." He smiles. I lower my hands from my face and sit on the bench next to the front door. Caleb joins me.

After minutes passing in the cold morning he finally speaks. "Who are you waiting for?"

"Oh um, my friend Zayn." He's not really my friend right now. I've only met him once. It's just easier to tell someone he is, instead of telling an entire story of how I met him but he's an aquatints of mine.

"Why so early in the morning? It's nearly five I believe."

I look down at my thighs and smirk, thinking of Harry, still stuck to the bench outside the bar makes me chuckle.

"My friend got himself into quiet the predicament. Apparently bar fights are frowned upon."

I look over at him and fully smile. "Ah, I see. A pretty girl like you should stay out of these situations. A lot of trouble can happen." He looks at me as well. His hands, erm hand, is in his jumper pocket trying to keep warm.

"Trust me, this isn't even half of it." I smile again looking back down at my thighs.

"You don't have to smile so often. It gives it away." His eyes wonder past the street lamp, and the bushes, over to the setting moon and dimming stars.


"Your'e sad. The saddest people smile most, even when they shouldn't at all. You almost got raped and you're sitting outside a rundown motel with a complete stranger, waiting for a friend to help a guy get out of a 'predicament' ending with a bar fight. That's not even half of it apparently, and you have been smiling too often for it to be true. Sorry for pointing it out, but I saved you, so you don't need to hide your face." His eyes never left the moon. I never responded. I just sat there on the bench in silence, staring at the moon with Caleb, until Zayn picked me up. It didn't take long for him to arrive after that. Caleb's words never left my mind. I don't think it was fair how he could read me like that, especially when I couldn't even read myself. Going against my word, I never mentioned the almost-rape to Zayn. I never spoke of it at all.

"I talked to Harry." Zayn spoke.

"How did you see him?"

"We saw him sitting outside the bar on the way to the motel." Louis responded.

I never want to think about that motel again. Thankfully we didn't have anything with us so we don't need to go back.

"They're taking him to the police station." He finishes.

"What did you talk about?" I ask realizing it was a stupid question. My body is still hyped on adrenaline.

"Why you dropped off the face of the earth. I still can't believe you landed perfectly into the train car." Louis quietly laughs to himself shaking his head in awe.

"We also talked about why he was in a damn bar fight." Zayn takes his eyes off the road and looks over at Louis. "He wouldn't say much."

"Anything else?" I say."No. Is there anything else that needs to be said?" Zayn asks looking into the rear view mirror at me. I decide against telling them about the motel incident and Caleb. I don't want to make a big deal out of it when this is about Harry right now. I also don't know if they know why he got into the fight, and who he was in it with. So I decide against telling them that too. Maybe Harry doesn't want them to know.

The drive to the station wasn't long at all, although we had to drive out of town, for the bar tender didn't call the city police, he called the union.

Zayn parked in the closest spot to the door, which was three cars down. When we walk inside I notice nobody else is here for visiting. The room is small, so this town must be small too. The pale green painted walls were chipping the second coat. The couch on the side of the room was a black leather. It looked new and tacky. Probably the nicest piece of furniture here.

"Hello we're here to see Harry Styles." Louis tells the front desk. She finishes her work on the computer, added whatever she needed, and took us down to see him.

He was locked in a holding cell with one other guy.

"Finally you're here." He says, letting out a huge sigh of relief. I walked over to him and placed my hands on the bars.

"Are you okay?" I ask him. His eyebrows narrowed. His hands grabbed the outer bars of mine. "I'm okay."

"Listen Styles, I talked to one of the policemen," Harry's head lowered. His mop of curls covered his eyes.His expression was emotionless

"We can easily bail you out since you did no damage to the actual bar and only hit the guy a few times. However, the guy you hit is most likely going to press charges."

"This can't happen again Lou." Harry replied to him. There's that word, again. What happened last time? It must have been another assault or something. Does he have a violent past? It wouldn't surprise me to be honest. After seeing some of his reactions to the slightest of things he might have a bit of a temper. I doubt he really means damage. He must be misunderstood. He's got to be.

"I know man. Don't worry, we got it under control." Louis goes and sits next to Zayn in the chair across from the cell. I stayed standing by Harry. His arm reaches through the cell, having his hand caress my jaw. I place my hand on his.

"We can fix this." He reassures me. I wasn't worried completely.I know we can. He has got to be one of the richest men in the world. Money shouldn't be an issue. I guess it's the publicity that's going to be hard. We can fix this. He's okay. I don't want to think about what everyones going to think of him though. The media will eat this up and spit it out. I can already picture the harsh words said about him, and the rest of the band. He was only thinking of me when he did it. It was all because of me. Misunderstood.

Harry smiled at me. I looked up at him and gazed into his eyes.

It was then I knew he was not okay.

Dead Sea // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now