Chapter 8

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Harry had his head burried between his knees with his curls dangling over his legs. I wondered what he was thinking about often. I can't get him aggrivated with me since he is the only one I have at the moment. If I lose him then I am stuck in a town, god knows where, with no money, or any kind of transportation. He wouldn't leave me though? Would he? It seems I have tricked my mind into thinking that I knew how he acted and how he would respond to things fairly well. Clearly I was wrong. To my surprise he could be some wanker who saved my life. Some creep. I believe he is famous though. The music video proves it, so he can't do anything to me unless he wants everyone to know. His life is everywhere on the tabloids.

I need to talk to him. I can't let there be any tension between us. He can't be that mad at me. It was a minor blow up.

"Harry?" I say softly. He still doesnt look up from his knees. I take a deep breath, waiting for something to happen. Nothing ever does.

"I'm sorry. I don't really know exactly what I did, but I knew it made you upset with me, and you see, I don't really want you to be that way. I don't like this feeling between us." I pause. I don't know what I am saying. Im not even thinking about it, I'm just speaking, whether I want to or not I am.

"Please say something." I plead.

"You didn't really do anything." His voice is deep. husky, and soft. Making goosebumps rise on my skin. He doesn't look up at me. He never looked me in the eyes as he spoke. He just faced the floor with shaky vocals and red knuckles.

"Then why havn't you spoken to me? I must have done something to make you this upset?" My eyes never leave his head of hair, since it seems to be the only thing he will let face me.

"It just gets to me. I don't like letting people know about me ok? Can we just leave it at that?" His question almost seems like a beg. Whatever Harry is hiding seems to mean a lot to him.

"Uh, yeah...sure."

"Look-" He finally looks up, still not giving me eye contact. "-I don't know you. And that's fine! We shouldn't get to know eachother to begin with."

"But you kissed me? What is that supposed to mean between us? Am I supposed to let that go?!"

"Please, don't get worked up-" I interupt him the moment his said worked up.

"Me worked up?" I scoff. "Don't tell me to not get worked up after your little show that just happened a 20 minutes ago! How dare you!"

"Add wait-"

I interupt him once more. "How dare you."

"I get it! It shouldn't be my place to talk but we just had a fight a few minutes ago so can we just calm down right now. The both of us need to." Harry puts his arms out motioning me to stay calm, he finally looked me in the eyes. I realized that was all I wanted. His eyes locked on mine.

"Maybe we both have a few issues we need to resolve." I mutter. He lets out a faint laugh. "For fucks sake we are on a train, we have got to be civilized." He mentions mocking our sledding mistake.

I feel enlightened with his remark. Just being around him when he is a good mood like this makes me feel secure. I don't know how many times I have to mention that.

"Tell me about the kiss." I demand in a sfot tone. "Why did you do it?" I honestly needed to know. I told him about George, how we are dating, how he will find me. Yet he betrays my word, and kisses me. He had to of known I would feel like absolute shit for cheating on him.

He smiles at me skaing his curls from his face so he can have a clean look at me. "Yeah, uh sorry bout that." He replies. That was it? Sorry bout that? There has got to be relevant reason why he would kiss me ignoring what I told him about George.

Dead Sea // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now