Chapter 16

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Its been about a week since Harry and I have kissed. It's been an entire week since Harry even touched me at all. I miss his traces of skin. Last night Harry almost kissed me again. But management called and stopped him from doing it. Harry left early the next morning. He wrote me a note saying that he needs to go to the studio to record some new music for the midnight memories album. I woke up late in the day so by early the next morning he probably left at like ten or eleven. He never wrote when he will be back. He knows I can't drive anywhere, so he left some money on the table for a cab and some extra just in case I want to go somewhere. I wasn't hungry when I woke up so I skipped breakfast. I wasn't really hungry later in the day either. Harry hasn't come back yet, so I decide I will go somewhere. I grab the money on the table and take a cab to Central London. Harry doesn't live far from the center so it doesn't take too long to get there. When I do I barely recognize the capital. It's much larger than I remember it being. The buildings are ten times more Victorian than I remember as well.

I walked into some of the shops. One shop in particular caught my eye. It held a bunch of vintage dresses in stock. That wasn't the only thing in there, but that's what I was drawn to. The store had many more things guarantee. As I walked in I over heard one of the workers yelling at a man. The man was fairly small and scrawny, but he looked as if he couldn't be younger than 27.

"Listen John, I don't care. Get the hell out of my store." The lady threw her arms up in anger.

"No I'm not leaving without Calvin."

"Well you should have thought of that before you decided to get drunk again." She storms away and into the back part of the store. I could here a boy crying quietly.

"He is my son too!" He yells before storming in the other direction, out of the store.

I shyly walked around the store for a nice dress. The yelling made it more awkward though. I don't own any clothes that are mine right now. The past outfits I've been wearing are clothes that Harry gets from Eleanor. She strangely doesn't mind me wearing them. But no matter the generosity I need my own.

"Can I help you with something?" The lady asks, trying not to let the short man ruin her day.

"No I'm just looking." I tell her without lifting my head.

"How much did you hear?"

"I didn't hear much but that's none of my business."

"It's alright. Like, four customers walked out because of him." She folds her arms across her chest, breathing heavily.

"Is everything okay?" I don't really care, but I feel like she needs someone to talk to.

"No, nothing is okay. My sorry excuse for a husband is always drinking and I can't let him around Calvin anymore."

The little boy comes running out of the back room and grabs ahold of his mothers legs.

"This is my son, Calvin." She said, picking him up off the ground. He looks no older than the age of six. "My name is Margaret by the way." She reaches out her hand to shake mine. I oblige and do so.

In the middle of Margaret and I's conversation of her business, the phone began to ring. She never payed any attention to it and just continued talking about how she decided to begin in the retail business.

"Aren't you going to answer that?" I ask pointing to the phone on the counter.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I've learned to block the phone out." She sets Calvin down on the ground and rushes over to retrieve the call.

"Hello this is Margaret from M and C's boutique, how can I help you?"

I leave Margaret to her own business and start to look through all the clothes once again.

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