Chapter 14

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Recess finally started and I immediately bolt out of the room. George runs after me close behind.

"Adalaide stop." He commands. "Wait I can explain."

I turn around sharply and catch him off guard. He abruptly stops. "Explain? You can explain yourself for murdering me!? I'm lucky to come back to life. Do you not understand that what you did was convict a serious crime?" His eyes dart away from me and on the floor.

"It's not what you think."

"What do you mean it's not what I think? What more could it possibly be because to me it seems like you tried to kill me for God knows why!" I shout. I look passed George and see Harry peering over the corner. Our eyes meet and he mouths, are you okay? I nod my head to make him leave but he doesn't.

"You won't understand yet but you will. Please Addie just wait and see that I had to do this." He puts his hand on my shoulder and I shake it off. His eyes grew wide as if what he can't believe that him trying to murder me is something I'm appalled to. His sadness grew.

"Get the hell away from me." I back away. "Go!"

"No Addie please just stay with me I love you."

He doesn't love me. He beat me, he called me a slut, he is hiding from me. Every red flag possible is flashing neon says above him saying 'run.'

"Don't call me Addie." I spit. I back away away a bit more.

"I didn't mean what I said to you before, forget that I hurt you. We can start all over again. Trust me everything will be okay." He pleas. I can see how hard he is fighting to save me. I can see the hurt through his eyes. I'm done with him.

"You don't love me."

"But I do. Don't you remember the night? Don't you remember the words I spoke to you. The conversation we had before the incident?"

"No. Thanks to you I don't remember much." I'm trying really hard to fight back the tears but it's so damn hard.

"Just, whatever you do. Don't go back to the apartment. I can't even go back. I want to start over with you." He walks closer and grabs my hand. I see Harry walking over to confront him but I shake my head. Harry stops.

"I have to get my things. And why would you mention that anyway?" I remove my hand from his grasp and shake my head in confusion.

"It's not important right now. And don't get your things I already know his trick, he's done it before."

"What are you talking about?" I ask him. My voice frequency raises.

"You got a call right?" I nod.

"See that's the trick. Don't get your stuff, I'm trying to protect you. I want you to trust me again. I want things to go back to the way they were and-" I interrupt him before his imagination of the two of us goes too far, "Things will never go back to the way they were." I conclude. I walk past him and Harry.

My throat is dry and the tears are about to overflow so I decide to go to the bathroom.

I turn on the sink and watch the water flow out of the faucet. Once the water is warm I splash it on my face to regain color and rid the tears.

I look into the mirror and stare hard. My hair is dry and flat. My eyes are hollow and lifeless. I can't even see the color in my face, even after I splashed the water. I don't recognize myself. I don't believe what I see is me.

I exit the bathroom and look at the clock on the wall ahead. Recess ends in 5 minutes.

I get a drink of water from the fountain below it.

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