Chapter 6

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Sorry I havn't really posted in a long time I just lost intrest in writing but I will try to continue with writing as best as I can(: Thanks for waiting if you have even though I havn't updated since like November... Sorry this is such a short chapter!


"Stand still." The man said.

"Im trying!" I giggled. He placed the camera back onto the wood stump and walked over to me to position my pose. 

"Here, have your hand placed like this." He moved my hand right hand onto my hip and moved my left one out above my head. My body was placed at an angle but still comfortable enough to be in. He ran back to the camera and picked it up.

"Ok now just be natural. just make natural facial expressions." The man said. His smile grew as i made different faces and changed my positioning to a more free stance. "See you're a natural after all." He commented. 

"I never got your name love?"

I stopped posing and ran back to him anxious to see the pictures. "Huh? Oh, I'm Adalaide." I smirked. "Thank you again George, for taking these pictures. My friend was right about you being a good one."

"No problem. I'm just glad I got to do it."  He held out his hand. I grabbed it and shook it with apreciation for doing this for me. "Can I see you again?" He asked. "Of course." I replied. "How much for the pictures? I'm sure you don't do this for free." 

"I'll tell you what, this can be for free." His tone shifted to playfull.

"Oh no I can't. That would be a waste of your time." I plead. He can't possibly tell me this is for free. This is what he does as a proffesion. His time shouldn't be wasted.

"No please. All i ask in return for is to take you out to lunch sometime." He hands his buisness card to me. I look at it with a small smirk on my face.

"Of course George. I will call you tomorrow? You can show me the pictures then so we have something to talk about." He laughs at my response. I say my thanks once again and head to the bus station. Daydreaming as I walk, about his bright brown eyes. I pull his card out from my pocket and take a look. George Shelley Photography. How brilliant. 

I slowly wake up from my dream only remembering half. I look at my scabbed elbows and bruised ankles. The pain was relevant at this point. Touching my dark purple ankles to get a reaction i flinch at the contact. The old wood squeaked as I stood up. Taking in my surroundings I remember what happened just a few hours ago. The sledding accident. Where the hell are we at this point anyway? I walk around softly to make sure I don't wake Harry. He is still sleeping on the ground with his arm laying out as if there was someone under it. His mouth was slightly open and his breathing was heavier than normal. His eyes squinting shut. I take my eyes off him and move them to the crates. 

Slowly walking over there I hear the floorboards creek from under me. When I get to them i put my hand in my back pockets and sigh. This train car is oddly not modern like they should be. They were made of old dark wood. The cracks in it surely let in spiders, I cant tell by all the cob webbs surrounding it. They're were about three of them, one by itself and two stacked on one another. I take my hands out of my pockets and open the one by itself. I look inside. 2 dead bats and 1 dead rat. Millions of spiders to add. I jump to what I see losing my grip on the lid and letting it crash shut. Stumbling onto Harry I wake him instantly. 

"Jesus Christ." He slurs as he is awoken. My hand is placed over my chest in horror. "Oh my god! You would not believe what I just saw! Oh God I still can't even comprehend, ugh, that is so gross."  I say in a confusin tone but I could still feel the disgust and horror flowing through  my body.

Harry rubs his eyes. "What did you see?" He asks still sleepy. "Gross dead rodents is what I saw! We have to get off this train I can't stay here." I begin to panick. How could I have let this happen? If I just never even talked to him in the first place. Sure he saved my life, but a simple thank you wasn't enough apprently, no, I had to let him take me to his place. "Well no shit we can't stay here. We can get off the next stop."

"And when will that be? Huh? Because this train is obviously ment for cargo so I don't even know if it will stop til its destiantion! It could be another day till its stops!" I shout. Im really frustrated at our misshap. This entire situation is so fucked up. Not just the train part, but that part about me going home with a boy I do not know. Him taking me around to do things. 

"Adalaide calm down it will be fine. Just bear with me. We will get out of here sometime or another so stop worrying. Once we get somewhere we can call somebody. I forgot if I have my phone or not though." Harry looks down and begins to feel his pockets. "Ok when we get to a town I will just use a payphone." He walks over to me and gives me a hug. I can feel his body warmth through my skin and veins. His touch is making me weak and secure that everything will be alright. 

"P-Promise me we will be ok." I softly demand. That is all I need. security. I need to know that I will be fine and he will be fine and I can go back to my home and just start over and forget that this mess ever happened. The one thing that I wish to be forgotten is my only recent memory. Lovely isn't it?

My head rests on his shoulder letting him hold me tight. He looks down at me and into my eyes. His soft green eyes sparkle from the light grey clouds outside the open car. Sadness and truth fill my body. "I promise." He assures me. Comforting me. He takes me back into his arms.

"I promise." He repeats.  

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