Loving My Cousin (Introduction)

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Salam! So this story is sort of based on real life and some stuff. Warning there will be some swearing and cussing words, so if your not comfortable with that please skip it and there will be drama.

Now I am not sure how many chapters there will be but there should be at least 30 or 40 depends on the book how it is so far and my ideas 😂😂😂😂 are coming through or not. Also I don't really know how to spell the words from Arabic to English, I know some but not all, so please help me with the words if I don't get them right.

Also I am using a random picture of the main character of the girl because I don't know any Arab singers that wears hijab, if you like you can imagine the girl the way you want to. As for the main guy I imagine him as my main real life cousin but I am using a Palestinian singer, Tony Qattan, but you guys can also imagine him as someone else if you want.

Also some settings will be in Amman and Jerusalem. I'm not sure yet and they're might be some and I said someeeeee time changing, not sure.

And there will be pictures and gifs obviously, what kind of a writer would I be if I didn't? 😂😂😂

Also I update slow a little bit, sorry but I will inshallah fit this book in my schedule.

Anyways I hope you will enjoy it and bismillah inshallah it'll go successfully!

Loving My Cousin (#Wattys 2017) Where stories live. Discover now