Chapter Nine

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Fatima's POV
I was tied to a chair, my clothes mostly had holes by now, my back felt like hell had been burning on it and I looked thinner than before, and yet I managed to survive, no shock there.

I've always loved Samer, but sometimes he was an idiot but he is always my idiot. If only....if only he had the guts to just ask for my hand in marriage....maybe, maybe we wouldn't be in this position. But then again shit had happen a lot to us.

"Oh, what do you know? Samer chose to not obey my orders." I spite on the ground and looked at him with angry eyes.

"Fuck you. You bastard." And dayum it felt good to say that.

"You really think Samer loves you? You really should think twice, he's never going to get you." Gun shots were being heard and I smirk, knowing that this was Samer's way of making an entrance .

"Or is he? I'd rather rot in the desert than having to be here with you."

He didn't say anything afterwards, just took out a gun and locked the door of the room I am stuck in.

Lots of shooting, voices, and yelling passed around and I was finding a way to get out of this chair that I was trapped in. I took my pin that was attached on my jeans and used that go get off the chair and started banging on the door, hoping someone will hear me.

"Someone please open this door please!!" Screaming as loud as I can and then I hear a voice that I recognized well enough to know who it is.

"MAHMOUD ZAID I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T UNLOCK ME NOW I WILL TAKE AN AX AND EFFIN BEHEAD YOU AFTER THIS!!!!!" Surely he could hear me because he was banging on the door probably with a weapon and then I heard the locks getting broken and I smile, opening the door and hugging him.

"Are you ok Fatima? I swear to god, you scared me when Samer called, don't ever do this again!"

"Gosh thanks for spoiling the moment." As rolling my eyes, he grabs my arm and leads me down the stairs.

"We are leaving this moment and I won't hear a word from you." I wasn't listening because I was too busy looking at the extra gun he had in the back of his pants, reaching for it and taking it.

"Uhhh naw, I'm leaving and finding Samer." His eyes literally popped out of his head when he saw that I had his gun. I didn't give him a chance to say anything before I left.

I heard gunshots coming from an office and decided to go in, obviously I know how to work a gun cuz I don't just take it out of my cousin's pants and not know how to work it like that's just plain stupid.

I opened the door reveling Samer and my capturer. He looked at me and I swear his eyes light up when he saw me.

"STOP THIS! STOP THIS NOW!" Hiding my gun in my pants over my shirt and then someone came behind me and held me with a gun to my head.

"Leave her alone Asad! Name your price and let her go." Asad smirks and shakes his head.

"No can do Samer. You see my price is that I will wed her, and take her virginity with you watching. That's my price." I gasp and struggle to let the guy get off me.

"Samer don't do it, please I am begging you, Samer don't please. Please." Samer starts to walk away until he reached me, putting his hand on my face and smiles, whispering in my ear.

"I'm not going to leave you with this monster or any monster, not now not ever." He lays a kiss on my forehead and then moves past me but stops half way, before processing what is happening, Samer shots Asad in the heart and then he shots Samer in the chest and dies.

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