Chapter Seven

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Fatima's POV

"Fatima wake upppp." Someone kept shaking me and I mumbled turning over to the other side.

"5 more minutes Mom." Whoever was shaking me, kept on shaking me.

"Fatima there's fire!!!" And automatically got up and I saw Samer smirking and on crutches, proud of what he accomplished by waking me up.


"Bitch." He replied. Without having me to say it out loud.

Yes we have a Supernatural fandom base and we call each other that. Basically it was inspired by Supernatural, you'd be surprised that a lot of shows in America are over seas.

"God why do you want to wake me up at this point? It's only...." Looking at my clock,"it's only 8:30AM, so why?"

"Maybe I could be able to show you what I've been working on before and after the incident." I looked at him confused.

"Does it require a car or something to get there?" He nods his head sheepishly. I sigh and rub my eyes.

"You know we can't go anywhere that requires a vehicle, I'm sorry Samer but it's gonna have to wait until your healed completely." I got off the bed and stretched, letting out a soft groan.

Smart just stares at me and I shrug my shoulders at him.

"What? You possibly can't be upset about this. I know you want to take me but I don't have my drivers license in this county and your injuries, the doctor said you can't drive for at least another two weeks. I really am sorry Samer. Instead how about we find something to do and I'll get us ice cream, yeah?"

He shrugs and lays on the bed. I huff and rolls my eyes. I'm trying my best here but he's acting like a jerk, a 5 years old that has a silent tantrum, if that's even a thing.

Couldn't blame him though, I know how it feels like to have an accident and your not allowed to do things. Trust me those are the worst days of anyone's lives, and they end well or not, depending on the incident.

I lay beside him on the bed and sigh before talking.

"Well, what do you suggest to do then? if that's not fun then what do you want to do?" Playing with the hem of his blanket.

"Well we could watch the stars at night or play truth or dare or do something. Maybe take a walk. I don't know, something."

I could see the boredom look in his eyes and just by seeing that brought me down a little. It's actually really boring when you've got nothing to do, like really boring.

"Well I'll see what I can do, best to do for now is to try to walk around bit more. I promise I'll do something, just give me some time."

I went into the bathroom, locking the door though it doesn't really stop him but I used the bathroom and brushed my teeth, washed my face, and opened the bathroom door. I walked out and saw Samer NOT on his bed. At that moment  is when I panicked and looked all over for him until I felt a hand behind my back and jumped.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" As I turned around Samer was laughing and now I was just plain upset.

"Oh my god, the look on your face......priceless." I scoff and move past his laughing ass and took some clothes out of my bag, still seeing him there I pointed towards the door.

"Nah I'm good." He smirks and I swear sometimes I wanna slap the smirk off his face, sometimes.

"Samer! I have to change, please? Maybe we can do whatever you want later if you please let me change." He still doesn't budge, ahh you little sh*t! I'm gonna f****** smash you up. And yes I do mean smash him up, f****** a**hole.

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