Chapter Six

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{I don't know a good song for this chapter so sorry if you confused on the 1D song. Enjoy this chapter! 😋😬}

Fatima's POV

I was putting my clothing on the hanger, as Ismail was now playing on my new bed. Samer is getting out of the hospital today and everything needed to look perfect for him, well not perfect-perfect if you can catch what I am saying.

"Nooo Ismail, you don't touch Auntie's hijab." I carefully pried it out of his hands gently, while replacing it with one of his toys as I touched the silk of the scarf, looking down at it and this hijab had a lot of its memories.

I know what you must be thinking, how can a silky, nice scarf brings back so many memories? Well every Muslim girl remembers her first hijab that she got with her Mom, but me? That's a completely different story that I don't plan on telling.

I put the scarf on the side and kept unpacking my stuff and putting them on the hanger. Ismail was just playing with his toys that Susu left for him. He is so cute, I remember when I used to talk to Susu in front of Samer about having kids when we were little, it was something that made me want to wonder about babies and kids. And now I'm studying to be a Nurse, who knew? If someone told me I'd be a nurse in the future I'd call them crazy probably.

I just loved taking risks, especially with Samer. He'd and I were one of the biggest and craziest cousins you could possibly imagine. We did a lot of crazy stuff and that basically lead us to do more crazy things, things that most people wouldn't dare to do.

Stuff like skydiving, airplane diving, maybe go on the craziest roller coasters in the world, and many other stuff. That was what so amazing about our relationship that we understood each other and didn't need to explain to others, even our parents called us crazy, we wouldn't care. That's how we are, most of the time we were out of the house doing crazy stuff, most of the times I was in the house helping my Mom and Aunts with chores and daydreaming of doing something crazy. So sort of like some time here and there, tho most of the times I was with Same, doing the craziest things ever.

"Fatie! Fatie!" I snapped out of it and saw Susu in front of me and I weakly smile.

"Yes Susu?" She shakes her head and picks up sleeping Ismail and puts him in her room, where she has the crib for him and comes back to help me with the rest of my suitcase.

"You really need to lay low now, if anyone catches you two do anything that doesn't seem romantic then you and him will get into big trouble, and I mean bigger than when your Mom found out you printed fandom stuff on their new printer when you were seventeen years old." I quietly nod my head and sigh.

"But is it really necessary that he has to stay and sleep in this room, with me in it?" She's sighs and hangs up my last piece of clothing from my bag and nods her head.

"The room for Ismail when he turns one years old is too small for Samer to fit in, talk about Samer having his bed set up and then some of his stuff from Mama's house and plus it'll be nice that you two will have each other for company." She winks and I slam my hand in my forehead, she may be my favorite sister and she maybe the best cousin ever for letting me live with her and her husband for free, but she's definitely the same Susu when we were kids just married and has a kid.

"Your crazy, you know that right Susu? Nothing will happen behind these doors, I can't promise nothing will but nothing has to happen behind this door and if it makes you feel more comfortable I'll leave it open at night, sounds good?" She grabs my elbow and sits us on my bed.

"I'm not worried about you, I trust you but Samer....he's a lot to handle, trust me. It just you know never been easy to see his siblings married and he's not, especially he's in love with you." I furrowed my eyebrows and sigh.

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