Chapter Five

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Fatima's POV

I sat in the hospital for three weeks already and I'm in my blue abaya that I had with me at the party. To be honest I think that I may look like a wreck and I wouldn't care. My love is at a hospital and it wouldn't matter cuz it's not about me that's for damn sure. 

You don't care cause you love him silly.

Yeah but as cliché as it is I love him since I was 16.

It's a whatever, you love whom you love, if you love Yusuf then continue the engagement I feel not and your heart still feels captured by Samer, then you know what to do.

I guess I can't get on with the engagement then, since I love him, plus it wouldn't be fair to marry someone who I don't love and just to please my parents, besides we're talking about my whole life with someone else and their kids and a family with him, it just doesn't feel right. The heart wants what the heart wants.

You do what you want, it's gonna be hard but your choice and your idea, you should just follow your heart and see what results comes out of it, rather you like it or not, it's what you'll live with, it if you end up single then you can finish college and then probably look for someone to marry to or if you meet someone during college then you can get engaged and marry after a month out of college, but why would I want that if I don't want it with anyone but Samer?

Right....should think about it, either way there has to be someone who's willing to make you happy and your willing to open your heart to him.

Ha! Yeah, right. My heart belongs to Samer and him only, no one else. Is that, is that so wrong that he makes me strong? (A/D see what I did there? 😜😜😜😜)

True, you'll figure something out you always do, just right now you must do the right thing and follow your heart, soon the results will come later.

I was sitting in a chair across the room from Samer and watching him, his body is hooked up on machines and wires, dreadful sight to see happen to him.

But the question is: what exactly happened and why did that man shoot him?

Many questions raced through my head and then suddenly a flashback made me smile a little.


"FATIMA GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE WEASEL!" Samer playfully shouted. I kept running around the garden until I tripped flat on my face and just kept my face in there.

He turned me around and squirted his water gun on my face and I pull out my secret water gun from my back pants and squirted water on him.

After a while we just stopped and I took that as my opportunity to scowl him playfully.

"Samer Zaid! How dare you." He chuckles and helps me off. We sat in the garden, looking at the sky after he pushed me back down on the grass, but pulled him back down with me.

" want to go for a drive later tonight? We can always sneak out." I smile and shake my head.

"I would but we all know I'm not a really quite person when it comes to sneaking out Samer. Plus we could get into trouble, no?" He shrugs and sits up to light a cigarette.

Hopefully one day he'll stop smoking these things. I just hope, can he not know that he could get cancer? God like....why ya think God doesn't like people who smoke? I looked at him with concern and asked him.

"When you going to stop smoking this stuff?" He turns to me and puffs it out in the other direction from my face.

"Uhh what do you mean Fatima?" I gave him the 'are you serious' face and scowl at him.

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