Chapter Ten

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[Get ready for lots and lots of tissues and this song describes this chapter, even tho it's a upbeat song that's supposed to be happy it can also be a sad song]

Fatima's POV
{10 Weeks Later}

Holding my black umbrella, with a picture in my jacket pocket, letting my emotions take control of me and I was fine with it.

Why? I guess like Mahmoud said, we all belong to Allah and we return to him. I know Allah has a plan for us all, but Samer......why? He was fine and all of a sudden he was just lifeless.

I looked at the grave, being surrounded by everyone including Mama and Baba, plus Aala and Mahmoud, Susu and Ismail and Adam, and everyone else that cared for Samer.

"Ameen yarab." I looked at Mahmoud and hugs him tightly while crying.

"I miss him very much Mahmoud, I want him back, I just really want him back, Mahmoud please." He wraps me with his arms and hugs me tightly, while Aala rubs my back.

"I'm sorry Fatima, wallah, I wish we can bring him back but that's in Allah's hand and inshallah you two will be reunited in Jannah." Aala told me, she's right.

Soon everyone paid their respect and then I was left alone at the grave, leaving a picture on his grave and smiled a little, heading back to the car I carpooled with Aala in order to get here.

{Susu's House} They held the mourning in Susu's house and everyone was reading Quran for Samer and I was laying in his bed that he slept in when he was shot the first time, the same room where we had our first kiss, the room where we kind of foole...

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{Susu's House}
They held the mourning in Susu's house and everyone was reading Quran for Samer and I was laying in his bed that he slept in when he was shot the first time, the same room where we had our first kiss, the room where we kind of fooled around in once we were married, it was only one time though.

God Samer, I lost you. I lost you and it's all my fault, if I hadn't stormed out, none of this would have happened.

Wrapping my arms around myself and slipping into one of Samer's jacket that he used to love so much and was obsessed with.

"I love you Fatima, I love you and our soon family. Forever and always." His last words to me, broke my heart instantly.

Who knew he'd die like this? I thought I'd have at least more years with him, but we all belong to Allah and soon we return to him whenever Allah wants us to return to him.

There was a knock on the door and I saw Susu and Aala in the door, getting up to sit on the bed, I smile weakly. We all know that this is still a funeral and that we don't have to worry about lying about our emotions.

They came and sat next to me and I cry on Aala and Susu tries to calm me down.

"Shh, it's going to be fine albi, ya habibtie. You will be fine, wallah." I cry harder and look at them both and look down on my tummy.

"The's not going to know they're father....who they came from....what he was gifts to buy for his birthday and Fathers one be a Daddy's girl if it's a girl or how to respect ladies and play soccer if it's a boy.....I can't do this alone, please. I'm scared, I am really scared please help me, I just need guidance and need help raising this baby." Susu nods her head and Aala mutters.

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