Chapter Two

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Fatima's POV
I walked out of the college and went into the mall for a little shopping for new clothes that are appropriate. Afterwards I left the mall and walked back home and went into my room immediately, putting my bags down in a tiring manner and just grabbed my MAC laptop and went on Skype and called my cousin and bestie, Susu.

Soon her face popped up the screen and I smiled brightly.

"Susu!!" I said happily and waved my hand around.

"Fatie!" My nickname since we were little kids. Lame I know but we still love those nicknames.

"Soooo wassup? Besides stalking our brother on almost every social media he has." I let out a small giggle and nervously look around my room.

"I'm thinking about accepting someone's proposal." I blurted out, like directly.

"Whoa. That's huge, but your gonna say yes right? I mean you can't say no, this guy must be really really great one so far." I nod my head, agreeing with her. In all fairness Yusuf is the best choice by far and he's everything a muslimah would want. Everything a Father would want for his daughter, the best.

"Yeah he is. He's awesome, really and a good Muslim alhamduila, and he's really rich but money doesn't concern me at all wallah." She simply nods her head as I kept on ranting,"and he wants a family! Like that's so sweet and all, but we agreed to let me finish my education and then have a family, I mean that if I accept." She nods and gets up finding a brush and came back into the screen, but once again she got up and the sound of the door closed and her face popped up again.

"What about your feelings for Samer?" I sighted deeply, this was a topic I wished to avoid but it simply cannot be avoided, not now, not ever, not in forever.

"I don't know wallah. Yanie I love him but I can't wait forever for him, I can't. He's 26 and he should be married by now, but he's not. And maybe I should accept Yusuf's proposal, I actually like him. He could be a good husband for me, I will learn to love him and to be his wife he wants, inshallah." Susu nods her head, and then a faint cry is being heard in background. She sighs and gets up.

"I'll talk to you later inshallah, Ismail is crying." She closed the chat and left. I closed my laptop and charged it.

Walking downstairs, I saw Mama smile, I joined her and decided to tell her what's my decision.

"Umi?" She turned her face and smiled at me, while getting the vegetable oil.

"Yes albi?" I sighted and fiddle with my fingers.

"I'm thinking of accepting Yusuf's proposal." I said out of the blue, hearing myself saying that was kind of strange since I've never said that.

"Oh my Allah! THATS GREAT OH ALLAH! We MUST CONTACT EVERYONE!" I put my hands out in front of her as a sign to stop.

"MAMA! First we'll contact Baba and then we'll contact Yusuf and his parents, that's what we're doing FIRST Umi, please." I tried calming her down, since she's all bubbly and about to burn our beloved home down all because of some proposal that I am going to accept. But then again I would understand why she would be happy, to see her daughter happy and then again she would want some grandkids, obviously.

The door of the house opened and that's when we saw Baba coming in placing his shoes next to the door and coat on the coat racket.

"FATIMA IS GONNA ACCEPT!!" The first thing that my Mom could blurt out. I mentally faceplam my forehead.

"Moooooom, what did we say? Ya Allah!" I was happy and all but honestly did she needs to say that, and may I mention in a loud voice meaning my neighbor may have heard? I love Mama and all but sometimes she just bursted a lot of things and it ended well, sometimes.

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