S4 Episode 6- We All Go A Little Mad

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"Arielle! Arielle!" I heard Elena shout my name and I wake up.

I sped down the stairs and seen Elena acting bizarre.

She was fighting the air.

I inched towards her and she whipped out a knife. I flinched and she moved closer to me before stabbing me in the neck. I choked and fell to the floor. She took the knife out and covered her mouth.

"Oh, my God. Elle, Elle." She panicked. I felt myself sink into oblivion.


I gasped heavily and I looked at my surroundings. It was Damon, Stefan, Elena and Jeremy.

"What the hell, happened?" I shouted. My neck still hurt, so I places my hand over it.

"Long story. Buy the E-book." Damon taunted, holding the knife, Lena stabbed me with.

"Looks like the blade was drenched in vervain and a purple substance, causing you to sleep." Stefan informed. I knitted my eyebrows and sat up.

"Well, how the hell did it get in here? And why is it mixed with herbs that are toxic to me?" I questioned. He sighed.

"The world may never know." Damon answered annoyingly. I glared at him before getting up. They moved towards me and I gave them a look.

"I can walk you guys." I stated. I fell a little, but Damon caught me.

"Why haven't you been drinking blood, Arielle?" He interrogated. I looked down wearily and he forced me to look up at him.

"I forgot." I mumbled. He stopped me from moving and looked into my eyes.

"You're lying spill." The eldest Salvatore pegged. I sighed and turned to him.

"I just don't like harming innocent people anymore, it's not me." I admitted. He smacked his lips and sighed.

"We're predators, Arielle. We feed and hunt. It's our nature." Damon reminded.

"It's your nature. I'm only half, D. I didn't know if I didn't drink for more than a week. I'd feel woozy." I stated. He went to the kitchen and warmed up something. He comes back and hands me a mug. I sniff over it, glare at Damon before sipping it. My fangs extract and I drink the rest. Damon disappeared and I looked around in confusion.

"Looking for someone." Connor's voice popped up behind me. I eyed him wearily before moving away from him.

"Wh- What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"Haunting you and your sister. She killed me and you let her." His voice boomed behind me. I jumped and the mug slipped out of my grasp and shattered on the floor.

"I didn't have a choice!" I defended. He laughed darkly and crept closer to me. I shuddered, before backing into the wall, frightened.

"You're both monsters, that deserve to die!" He sneered. I screamed and fell to my knees. I look up to see Damon who is sharing a worried look. He picks me up and I felt safe in his hold.

"I'm right here, Arielle. What's going on?" The blue eyed vampire spoke. I tried to speak but I couldn't form complete sentences.

"N-Nothing, just horrible visions." I managed to say.

He looked at me wearily. "Are you channeling, Elena?" I sipped my coffee/blood with my mug shaking in my hands.

"Uh- um." I stammered. I seen Connor standing in the corner glaring at me. My mouth was parted slightly and he placed his index finger over his lips.

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