S4 Episode 4- The Five

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When Damon thinks it's okay to call early in the morning. It didn't bother me all that much since I was babysitting for 5am since the Adams couldn't leave their toddler twins at home. Rachel gets off at 4 and it is currently 11, yay.

"No, no. Faith don't chew on that." I scold, quickly snatching the hazardous toy away from the 3 year old. Beth started crying so I put her on my hip. I placed my phone on my ear and continued to rock Beth.

"Yes, Damon." I answered.

"You've been off the grid, missy."

"No, I've been working and writing." I corrected. "The things I have to sacrifice for college."

"Oh, right. Little miss smarty witch and her recommendation letters. Word gets around, anyways do you think you could stop by?"

"Damon, I'm still ba-"

"Oh, great, thank you, see you when you get here,"

The phone hangs up in my ear and I roll my eyes in annoyance. Faith started giggling and I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Now, what are you laughing at?" I questioned. She looked up at me with a smile and I couldn't help, but return it. "Darn it, you're cute."


I made it over to the Salvatore's and getting out of the car, I had to unbuckle them from their car seats. Since they were both sleep I carried them in and Damon opened the door.

"Finally, and who are the little rugrats?" The blue eyed Salvatore asked. I slit my eyes at him.

"They are my job, D. You would've known if you hadn't hung up in my face." I whispered, entering the mansion with two sleeping toddlers.

"Yeah, Yeah. Anyways back to what Stefan and I were talking about. This hunter." I nodded and placed Faith on the couch and covered her with a blanket. I kept Beth with me because she gets fussy if she's not in someone's arms.

"Woah, Elle what's with the babies?" Stef questioned.

"My job." I responded. "Can you please explain to me the hunter?" Damon placed some weapons with a familiar symbol carved into it.

"So, what is all of this?" The younger Salvatore questioned as well.

"Some personal items that I snaked from the vampire hunter's RV. May he rest in peace. I'm searching for a supernatural handbook." Damon replied. I looked at him.

"Wait you killed him!" I spoke. He gave me a wait signal and I hissed slightly. "What kind of supernatural handbook?"

"You know for a fact he was supernatural?" His younger brother added.

"Definitely wasn't natural. The guy magically appears just as someone blows up the entire founders' council, covered in a tattoo that only Jeremy Gilbert, of all people in the world, seems to be able to see. Klaus mentioned something about him being one of the five. And then he kamikazes himself with explosives. Seem natural to you?" The eldest Salvatore countered. I stiffened and Beth fidgeted in my arms a little bit.

"That's what I'm hoping is in the first chapter of the handbook." Damon said.

"The five?" I croaked. The brothers noticed it and glared at me.

"What do you know, Arielle?" Stefan interrogated. I shook my head.

"Not much, it just sounds familiar." I responded. They nodded, causing me to sigh. "Well I have to go, when you two learn something, ring me." I grabbed Faith and rushed out of the Salvatore house, praying that they didn't awake yet.

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