Chapter 12: A View To A Kill

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The sun shines directly in my face and when I lift my head up it falls right back down.

I groaned. "My head feels like a watermelon." I hear footsteps enter the bar and the male sighs.

"Elle what are you doing here?" I recognize the voice as Stefan Salvawhore himself.

"I came here to kill Kol...wait no that's Jeremy's job." I muttered with a yawn to end it. The Salvababy sighed before tapping me on my shoulder. I groaned.

"Come on. Elena has been non stop worrying about you. We thought you were at the lake house but we were wrong." Stefan informed the currently wasted red head. He sighs again before snatching the bottle out of my hand.

"No. No, no. That's mama's baby." I whispered. I'm in Limbo right now. Half sleep, Half awake. Whole drunk. I don't remember anything from last night, just know that in reality my head is big as hell.

All of a sudden I'm being carried out of the bar and I drift back into oblivion.


I wake up in my bed surrounded by regular Cheetos and ice cream. I check to see if the ice creak is melted but thank the heavens it wasn't. I placed my headphones over my ears and blast the Glee soundtrack.

All of a sudden I am in a sleep paralysis mode where my body is immobilized and I'm basically stuck on my back.

"I have no present." I mumble staring at my recently placed mirror above my bed. "I have no future."

"Why do you have a mirror above your bed?" Nayla questioned as she sat on my bed, careful not to disrupt my body.

"So I can wake up to a rare form of art in the morning." I answered groggily while attempting to sit up. I slowly shift to the left side of my bed, before proceeding to fall on the floor.

"And why did I receive a call from a certain Salvatore implying that you are intoxicated heavily and you overslept in a bar and missed out on some important events." My doppelgänger spoke. I groaned lightly from the floor. I threw my cover over my head and tried to go back to sleep.

"Hello." The red haired witch added. I stayed quite hoping she had went away. I felt a cold sensation over my head and I groaned even louder.

"I hear you damn it." My voice came out squeaky but she heard me.

"Why were you intoxicated Arielle?" She pressed further. I threw the cover off me and met Nayla's gaze.

"Klaus pushed me away and I grew emotional. Heightened emotions caused me to follow Kol to the bar he was at." I responded. The doppelgänger's eyebrow quirked up and she gave me a pointed look.

"You got drunk with Kol?" Nayla paused, giggling slightly."That must've been an experience."

"Oh, believe me. Experience is not the word. He confessed his love and left me alone in the bar to prevent his brother from being upset with either of us." I wrapped the cover around my body while finishing my statement. "We sort of kissed."

Nayla was now intrigued an took a deep sigh. The room was stilled and not one breath was heard. Footsteps were heard approaching the floor beside my bed and I felt her rub my head.

"Love, I know you're hurt." That was enough for tears to start leaving my eyes and I tried my best to keep silent.

"Is he going to hate me forever?" I inquired, looking up at the thousand year old female hybrid. She wiped my tears and pulled me in a hug.

"I love him Ny." I cried. "I would never do anything intentional to hurt him. I was so s-stupid." She shushed me and rocked me slowly from side to side.

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