Chapter 19

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Lauren's POV

"Lauren," Harry yelled through my house as he, I assume, let himself in.

"Upstairs," I yell back.

Moments later, my door slams into my wall as Harry enters my room.

"What the hell did you tell Kaitlin?" He barks.

"When?" I ask innocently.

I know what he's talking about, I just don't want to tell him, what he wants to know.

"You know what I'm talking about," he spat.

"I told her you kissed me Friday," I said.

"Why?" He asks throwing his arms in the air.

"Because, your going to break her heart. You don't like her," I shot back, getting irritated.

"How would you know if I like her? Your too busy caring about her!" He said.

"Harry, you fuck girls and leave. That's how you work," I said.

"Only because no one wants a real relationship with me," he says quietly.

"Because you can't handle one!" I said, holding back my laughs.

He sighed sitting next to me on the bed. He put his head in his hand.

"Do you still like me?" I ask.

He nods into his hands. I take a deep breathe.

"Well, what if we made a little.... bet," I offered.

I can't believe I'm about to do this. I already felt guilty. I'm sorry Kaitlin.

Harry's POV

I was brought to the same question that kept haunting my mind. Lauren or Kaitlin. Sure, I liked Lauren more. There was something about Kaitlin that was so addicting, though. Lauren was bossy and sexy. She was fierce. Everyone saw her as one of us, the weird kids. People were afraid of her. Kaitlin was so sweet and adorable. I loved the way her cheeks got that pink glow whenever I talk to her. Everyone knew she was one of the nice, popular kids. People were afraid for her, that she would get hurt. She puts other people in front of herself. When I kissed Kaitlin, there were sparks. She was so careful, she though about what was going on. She knew what she was doing. She easily gets what she wants without having to do anything she doesn't. It confuses me as to how anyone got her in bed with them. Lauren, on the other hand, puzzled me how anyone got her to NOT get in bed with her. She was so fast when she kissed, I was surprised her tongue doesn't get sore. She's sloppy, and it's hot. With Kaitlin I actually got to know what it felt like to kiss someone. It was more enjoyable. The one thing that I still had yet to judge was where I kiss them. Lauren is so used to intimate behavior, she just goes with it. When I kiss her neck, it's normal for her. It's a little depressing when she doesn't throw her head back and moan. I made a mental note that I would be seeing Kaitlin after school today. It didn't matter anyways, I just wanted to try it. I could have Kaitlin, and Lauren, thanks to the bet. I just had to pick a side to stay truthful to.

Niall's POV

"God dammit,"

Lauren gave me a strange look. I ignored it. I walked into the kitchen to get water in an attempt to calm down.

"Niall," Lauren sighed "I told you not to get your hopes up."

I spun to face her.

"You didn't tell me that the most fucking attractive girl I have ever seen in my life was going to get out of the car!" I snapped.

A hurt look crossed her face. Sure, I was exaggerating a little bit, but who cares. I sure as hell didn't.

"It doesn't matter who got out of that care that day, you and Harry both said you would go after her. Yet not you both are," she says.

She wasn't yelling at me like she usually does when she's mad at Harry. It surprised me, she was so feisty.

"Well, I thought I actually had a chance with someone, but apparently, Harry had to take that, too," I said.

"Niall, you could have a lot of other girls that are just like you instead of her," she said, starting to yell now.

I don't like the way she twisted the word 'her' into an evil word.

"What do you mean like me?" I shot.

"We're not normal, Niall! Nobody wants to date us! We have to date in our own group, or your destined to be single for you life!" She said, full out yelling now.

"And please, do tell me who the fuck would date me?" I yelled, pointing to myself.

I shook my head and grabbed a water bottle as Lauren hesitated. I twisted the cap off and bring it to my lips, leaning back.

"Me," she said quietly.

I choked on my water, resulting in a wet floor.

Chases POV

Holy shit. There were no other words to describe it. Kaitlin was absolutely perfect and I couldn't help myself but to like her even more. Her lips were soft and she knew what she was doing. She was a better kisser than Sofi, and she was the best kisser I knew, until today. Kaitlin would top her by a million. Maybe it was the feeling in the bit if my stomach I got when her eyes fluttered down to my lips before bringing her to mine, or the way her hands found there way to my hair immediately, it was perfect. Thanks to my "idea," now I can kiss her again on Saturday night when I take her out. I still never thought about where, I just had to ask. I would have never had the guts to do it again. I still can't believe what I said about Harry. I hope she doesn't tell him. He would beat my ass if she did. I sighed. It doesn't matter, I would take it for her. My Kaitlin.

A/N I felt really uncomfortable writing Harry's part bc he's a perverted little freak but hey at least I got him into his character. Kinda. Idk. Anyways, thank you guys for all the reads and votes. Ily.

R, L, & C (:

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