Chapter 29

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Harry's slow breathing filled my ears as soft snores fell from his lips. His bare body was tightly pressed against mine as his arms held my tiny body against his. Something about this was familiar, and it wasn't just the bed. I had figured it out now. His arms, the way they were wrapped around my hip. That was the heavy feeling when I passed out at his house after the party. That was Harry in bed with me. He was holding me. Once again the smile crept onto my face. I couldn't hide how good it felt to sleep with someone. There was no way I could have said no, anyways. Harry's face lit up when I told him yes and it was heartbreaking to see how happy I made him just staying with him for the night. I think Harry is a sweet person, more than he claims to be. Honestly, I've never seen him do anything bad, other than being rude. I guess that is bad, but everyone's a little rude sometimes. I can't help but think that he would be a sweet boyfriend. I know I was just thinking this because that's what I wanted him to be. I know Chase would be a good boyfriend, but I wanted to be with Harry. A lot. I was just afraid. I rolled over in his arms so I was facing his chest. He frowned in his sleep. He found me again and wrapped his arms around me. I laughed softly. He was bear hugging me in his sleep. The frown went away and he began snoring again. They weren't loud annoying snores, they were the ones you could barely hear that sounded like breathing but were louder. I sighed and tucked my head into his neck. He put his head on top of mine on the pillow. Even though he was sleeping, I felt incredibly safe in his arms. I hoped that we wouldn't end after this. I couldn't help but think he was going to start being mean to me again, and I didn't want that to happen. I remember what he said to me when we were on the hill.

I sighed lightly in content as Harry's arms wrapped around me. It was beautiful up here, really. I could stay here forever, leaning into Harry looking at the city. It was quiet, but the silence was loud. The birds chirped and the wind rustled the leaves. There was another voice that weaves into the silence, his voice.

"Kaitlin," Harry said lightly.

"Mm?" I mumble.

"Do you remember yesterday at school," he started "and I told you I really liked you?"

My brain automatically remembers that as if its nothing, because it was etched into my brain. I had been so shocked at the moment.

"Yeah," I say, quiet for a while "Why?"

His chest rose and fell with every breath he took. It only slightly effected me, his arms so carefully wrapped around me.

"Do you like me, too?" He asks cautiously.

His voice dripped with fear. Fear of rejection. It was such a weak and vulnerable sound, I still wasn't sure it came out of him.

"I-," I stopped myself, I wasn't going to lie to him "Yeah."

He chuckled lightly and I smiled. I felt my cheeks grow pink but I ignored it.

"Kaitlin, I want to be more than friends," he says.

I felt his fingers slide down my arm and into my hand. My mind repeated his words over and over again. I want to be more than friends. I want to be more than friends. Those were the words I wanted to hear. I just didn't know how to say them. I glanced down at our hands. His hand was so much bigger than mine but they fit together perfectly. If that was what Harry really wants, then I defiantly want to, too. Harry meant a lot more to me than I give him credit for. I wanted him to know that.

"I do too, Harry," I say, giving his hand a squeeze.

Even though I couldn't see him, I know he was smiling. I smiled, too. Everything was so perfect.

Harry shifted lightly and pulled me closer to him. My eyes started drooping and I let them close. The last thought before I slipped away nearly woke me up, but instead haunted my dreams.

How do I tell Chase?

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