School Shooting

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hey guys so i made a new trailer check it out -------------------->

also i changed the main character to Selena gomez becuz i thought she works better for this story, but she's still 14. 

I know this is late and short, but i cant think of anything and im sorry if this is really shitty, but bare with me haha :P

enjoy or not 



 I grabbed onto Finn's jacket pulling him out the window with me. All I felt was falling, I hugged Finn tight as it was a 2 story window, and the way we just jumped out of it wasn't safe as the boys just jumped normally. It was still a high jump to jump normally, but you could do it. The rain was wetting us, slicing through my skin. I clenched my eyes shut waiting for impact. I swung Finn on top of me, so I took all the heat, not wanting Finn to be injured because of my stupid actions, even though I dislike him. Sudden impact hit. My breath hitching as I gasped, trying to recall back the breath I lost. Finn rolled off of me standing above me.

“Payton!” Whispers, that's all I heard whispers. Even though I know he was yelling. The rain pelting my numb body as I lay there. Lay hurting, still gasping for breath.

“Payton!” The voices seemed distant, so far away from where I was. My eyelids felt uncomfortably heavy as they slid shut.

“Payton, don't leave me! I need you!”

Darkness. That's all I saw was darkness until nothing, but silence.


It felt like tiny pellets driving into my body as I lay on the muddy grass outside the window we just jumped out of. My eyes bolted open, my lungs gasping for air as I bolted up into a sitting position.

“Thank, god.” Finn sighed as he held out a hand for me to accept. I grabbed it as he hauled me up from the ground.

“Payton, are you okay?” Liam asked worry in his eyes. Well considering the major headache, the aching back and lack of breath, not really.

“Yeah, now let's go.” I said as I walked to the the edge of the building. I peered around the building seeing a couple black vans at the entrance and a bunch of guys dressed in black hauling things into the building. I pushed a few buttons on my watch before Tarnishes voice came over the intercom.

“Payton are the boys safe?” Tarnish asked as I looked back at the boys who were sat up against the wall.

“For now, the building is surrounded. What's going on?” I asked as I turned to Finn who was feeling up the brick wall of the building, probably trying to find the secret safe where we store emergency equipment.

“We aren't exactly sure, but we know it's the gang you have dealt with before. We don't know their plan and we were hoping you and Finn could find that out.” Tarnish spoke as I saw Finn finally find the volt pressing a few buttons before a hole in the wall opened.

“And what about the lads?” I asked as I looked back at the lads who were all discussing amongst themselves.

“I'll send a car to get them, but for now keep them safe.” Tarnish ended the call as the wrist watch signaled a beep. I sighed going over to Finn, who was looking through the weapon stash we held in there.

“Okay boys, get up.” I commanded at the five lads that were sitting on the floor. They got up quickly with the harsh tone behind my voice I wouldn't want to mess with me either. I pushed Finn aside and grabbed an ammo belt hooking it around my waist as I handed one to Finn as well. The rain was beating down harder as we were all soaked to the bone. I grabbed a few guns out of the case placing them into my belt. Finn grabbed some for himself as I grabbed ammo and anything else I would think to need. I grabbed 5 guns holding them in my hands as I looked at the 5 boys in front of me. They stared back at me, not moving an inch. “Here, you each get one, but don't fire unless in danger and unless commanded.” I said sternly as I handed each boy a gun. Their eyes widening in fear and amazement as I handed them the guns.

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