Louis finds out

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I had to take action quick as the gun shots got closer. I grabbed a mop from the nearby cleaning supply cart and stuck it through the door handle, so the boys couldn't get out. I then grabbed my gun from pants. It was inside the waist band so no one could see it. I then put my glasses on to cover my eyes and to have a map of the hospital which I programed in earlier today. I began walking towards the corner I heard the gun shots coming from and rounded it. Once I came around the corner I saw a man who was wearing all black, he even wore a black ski mask. My question was how that did not look suspicious to the cops. I loaded my gun and aimed it at the man who was just knocked in another door.

“Hold it right there.” I said loud enough for the man to hear me. He backed out of the room and looked my way. He let out a deep raspy chuckle that sounded slightly familiar but I couldn't put a name to him.

“What's that a water gun?” The man chuckled. I turned it to the side a little so it wouldn't hit the man and fired. The bullet darting out of the small pistol and into the wall beside the man. His eyes went wide as a smirk grew on mine.

“Drop your weapons.” I said sternly as I aimed the gun back at him. He dropped his gun and kicked it towards me. I smirked as I picked it up and put it in my waist band of my leather pants. The man then pulled out a pocket knife and charged me. I stepped out of the way as I put my foot out. The man trip as the wood end of the knife knocked him in the head leaving him lay unconscious on the floor. That was easy but almost too easy. I grabbed my hand cuffs from my back pocket and cuffed the man. I pulled out my walkie talkie and turned it onto the police station.

“I got a code 9120 I repeat code 9120.” I spoke into the walkie talkie.

“Agent where are your whereabouts?” Said a voice on the other end.

“Second floor, outside of room 283. I have the intruder cuffed, but he's out cold.” I stated as I sat on the man and took out my flash light. I opened his eyelids and flashed the flashlight on them. He was alive just unconscious.

“Nice one Scout.” Said a voice from behind me. I turned around to be met with 2 police officers.

“Thanks officer.” I said as I got off the man and shook the officer's hand.

“What weapons did he have on him?” The officer asked. I pulled out the gun from my waist band and handed it to him. I then grabbed the pocket knife from the floor and handed it to him as well.

“Knife and gun. I would say charge intruding and attempt assault.” I said as I looked down at the man who was trying to be woken up by the other police officer.

“What he do to you?” The officer asked as I just noticed the notepad he had in his hands.

“I told him to drop his weapon and he did but then he pulled out his pocket knife and charged me and that's what happened.” I stated as I pointed to the man that was slowly waking up.

“Okay, well, Scout get those boys out of here. The one that's injured was being discharged today anyways.” The officer said as I nodded and turned on my heel's to go back to the room. Once I got back I took the mop out of the handle and swung the door open.

“Well, boys they said Zayn can go home.” I said as I clapped my hands together.

“Yeah Zayn!” Louis cheered as he hugged his band mate.

“Hey Payton, where were you?” Liam asked as he narrowed his eyes in confusion.

“Oh I just had to go to the bathroom, that's all. Remember I have my pee schedule.” I stated as I pointed to my watch. The boys let out a laugh but Zayn raised his eyebrows at me as if saying 'I know you're lying.'

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