Part 2 of Rescued

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 Songs for this chapter:

Love Alone Is Worth The Fight- Switchfoot

Haunt- Bastille

Shelter- Birdy

This Life- The Afters

 I prefer listening to Haunt for this chapter but that's my opinion song of Haunt on the side ---->

 “Accidents will happen, no matter how careful a man may be.”

The mask covering my face prevented the heavy fumes of the black smoke from invading my air ways. The orange colors danced with the red as they rose high against the building. My gun was still perched in my hand as I slowly maneuvered my way through the flame tainted wood. The loud cry and heavy coughs of a young girl were heard further down the corridor. Molly. My feet moved faster from beneath me as I rushed towards the sound.

Molly!” I screamed, but my mask muffled the sound. Flames rose high around me as I tried my best to avoid them. The fire rushed after me as I rushed to the little girl I was suppose to be protecting. The one I was suppose to keep safe. Clark and his gang got a hold of her and I just now found her, but no Clark in sight. The building must of be set on fire and Molly was left here to burn alive. “Molly!” I screamed again as I rubbed my ash filled eyes. I must of stepped on a weak floorboard because the next thing I know, I'm falling through the floor. A scream slipped through my lips as floorboards all around me fell with me while I quickly reached out to grab a sturdy board. My body was dangling in the air as I held onto the board. Flames were bubbling beneath me as I swung my other arm up to catch hold on the board. If I didn't catch hold of the board I would be roasting alive right about now. I used all my strength to pull my petite body up and onto the floor I was just on. My body ached as I lay sweaty on the floorboards beneath me. The fire rising higher than it was moments before. Sweat dribbled down my forehead and fell in tiny droplets, evaporating against the fire filled air.

Help, please!” A tiny voice cried as smoke filled coughs followed. I pushed myself up off the floor as I moved my feet quicker than before to reach the end of the corridor where a closed door was my only guess at where Molly was hidden. I placed my hand against the metal door knob only to retract it seconds later. The metal was hot to the touch and would defiantly leave burn marks later. I pushed on the door to see if the hinges were lose enough as I stepped back a bit. I rammed my shoulder into the door as the sound of wood splitting sounded through out the smoke filled hallway. I stepped back a bit once again as I rammed my shoulder once more into the door. It fell to the floor as I came down with it. “Payton!” The tiny voice called as I looked up from my spot on the floor. Molly sat tied to a chair as her clear water blue eyes shimmered in the blazing light. I pushed myself up off the floor, but I wasn't fast enough. Wood splitting sounded and my eyes widened at the sound. I tried to move quicker, but it was too late. The floor from above caved in right where the chair was positioned. Wood crashed down from above right onto the little girl that's face you could never get out of your mind. The floor beneath gave way as it too went crashing into the flames below. A scream sounded from her precious lips as she went along with it.

No!” I cried out as I fell to my knees. My gaze watered as it stared down at the fiery pits of hell that stood below me. Molly was gone. Her five year old body was gobbled up into the flames as her scream was silenced. “No!” I screamed as I banged ash covered fists against the floorboards beneath me.

Is any one in here?” A muffled voice shouted as my petite body turned around to meet that of a fireman. His gaze met mine and he quickly made his way over to me. He stopped once he reached the big hole in the floor as I slowly stood to my feet. “Come on, little girl, take my hand!” He shouted as I still stood a distance away from the other side of the hole. I detached the oxygen tank from my mouth as the fireman's eyes went wide. I took in a big breath of carbon dioxide filled air. My lungs apposing against the air as they coughed heavily in the smoke. I walked slowly towards the hole in the floor as I threw the tank in the hold. The flames engulfing it as they rose higher than before. The fireman reached out his hand for me to take as I placed my tiny one in his. I took in another big breath before the fireman pulled me across the hole and into his arms. My coughing becoming more prominent as the smoke filled my lungs. If I was going to live I at least wanted to get the feeling of what Molly felt like being stuck in the room with nothing but the smoke filled air. I failed my mission making a young girl die.

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