Gun Shots and White Lights

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WARNING: This is the last chapter in the book beside the epilouge of course, but i thought i would be a warning here because i never really said how long it was going to be but i hope you enjoy it and try not to cry


ALSO Song on the side listen to it while ya read or after ya read doesn't matter :)

I spit the crimson iron tasting liquid on the floor as my so called Uncle smirked down at me. I probably didn't even have a cheek anymore with how many times he has taken that whip to my face. I turned to look at Harry but he wasn't even looking my way. His head was down as his body shook silently. I stared back up at my uncle as he turned towards Clark who was sitting in that damn swivel chair.

“What's the code, Payton.” My Uncle said as he looked back at me the whip still in hand. I narrowed my eyes at him as I collect as much saliva and blood I could before I spit it right on his face. His features grew angry as he wipe the spit from his face and raised the whip once more. It came in contact with my face once again as my head turn to the side on impact. I have to admit it hurt like hell but I wasn't going to give in to these scum bags anytime soon.

“I don't know the fucking code!” I yelled at him as he raised the whip once more. The slim leather hit me once again as more blood collected in my mouth.

“Liar!” He said as he swung the whip at me once again. Blood trickled down my chin as it dripped down onto my black skinny jeans.

“I'm not lying!” I screamed back at him as he threw the whip to the floor before approaching me at a rapid speed.

“If you won't tell us then we'll just drill a hole into Mr popstar's head over here.” My uncle said as he grabbed Harry's chair from behind and pulled him so he was in front of us all. Harry finally looked up as his eyes were blood shot as his cheeks were stained with tears. I got a glimpse of his cross necklace that was peaking out from under his shirt. It made me wonder if he was praying the whole time or just really scared.

I narrowed my eyes at my uncle as he stared at me with pure hatred. Maybe he should give up the whole criminal thing and become an actor I mean he's pretty damn good at it I'd say. Clark got up from his chair as he went to the wall filled with weapons and various tools. Looking at the wall kind of reminded me I had a knife in my back pocket. It was the one Harry used to cut me out of the ropes Finn tied me up in and I put it in my back pocket in case we needed it later on and looking at it we did. I slowly pulled it out of my pocket as I began carefully cutting the ropes that tied my hands behind the chair.

“You won't find anything.” I said as my uncle narrowed his eyes at me. Clark raised an eyebrow at me as I pursed my lips together. I was trying to keep them occupied while I cut my hands free. If I could cut my hands free and get Clark in front of me I could do a front hand spring to smash the chair over his head to get my feet free.

“What are you talking about?” Clark asked as he moved in front of where Harry was and crossed his arms over his chest. I smirked at him as I let out a low chuckle.

“You guys are really that dumb.” I chuckled more as they both narrowed their eyes at me. I seemed to be almost there with the rope so if I could just stall them a bit more we would be good.

“What the hell is she talking about?” My uncle said as he came to stand beside Clark.

“I don't know.” Clark said as he shrugged his shoulders. I looked over at Louis who was right beside me as he looked at me as well. He glanced behind me before sending me a subtle wink my way.

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