Epilogue: Do You Remember?

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HEY GUYS:: so this message is important and I have decided to make a sequel it is going to be called

Operation Fix Me

and you will understand why it is called that after you read this chapter ;) 

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Happy reading and I love you all so much :D


 Harry's POV:

The smell of cleaners and stale food lingered in the waiting room as I bounced my knee up and down in anticipation. Niall was biting his thumbnail as he zoned out going to his own world inside his head. We have been coming back to the hospital every day now for the past fifty-six days. Zayn woke up from being in a coma about a week ago. He's still in recovery at the moment but he's still the same lad. Louis and Liam were discharged after a week of being in the hospital, their wounds weren't as bad as we thought they were. They were both still a bit shook up from the whole experience and really haven't came out of their rooms at all. Louis changed and not for the better. He wasn't as cheerful and mischievous as he use to be. His actions were more cautious and frightful. I remember waking up to his screams every night for the first few weeks he was back at the house. I would usually go in and comfort him but he eventually stopped letting me come in. Liam wasn't much better. He went mute basically. I would try to have a conversation with him and he wouldn't speak at all. Sometimes he would give little answer here or there but he just didn't speak. He would stay in his room for hours on end and Niall would be the one to have to check on him. Liam wouldn't wake up screaming in the middle of the night from nightmares but we do know he wouldn't sleep a lot. Under eye circles collected under his eyes after a few weeks he was back and it was probably from his lack of sleep. We know he is probably scared of what his dreams hold for him but we are really scared that he could mess his health up by not sleeping. Management has invested in therapy for the two and we all attend just to kind of help them feel more comfortable but they don't talk to the therapist usually. I think Niall and I are the only sane ones around here. Zayn he's still normal but still in bad shape. We would usually visit him after we finished visiting Payton. Payton has been in a coma for the past fifty-six days and every day Niall and I go in her room in hopes she might wake up. The doctor's have told us numerous times there has been some complications that had almost made them pull the plug a few times. Niall cries everyday when we leave her room with her still sleeping. It takes everything in me to keep a brave face on as I comfort him. Every night I would cry myself to sleep from all the stress and sadness that has been lingering in our lives for the past two months. I lost two of my best friends, metaphorically, as they are subjected to the consent memories and horror they had to go through that whole two months ago. I made a promise to Payton and if she leaves us then I have broken that promise. I told her I would never break that promise and I think if she does slipped from my hands then I will finally crack. She's the only thing keeping me sane for now and I just hope that maybe just maybe God will let us have our angel back because she's the best thing that has ever happened to the five of us. She risked her life to save ours and I know she feels that her life isn't that important but it is, to us at least.

I looked over at Niall as his eyes met mine. We have been waiting for about a half an hour in this god awful smelling waiting room. Niall dropped his hand to his lap as he scrunched his eyebrows together and looked down at his lap.

“Harry,” He said as he lifted his head back up to look at me. “What if she never wakes up?” Niall whispered as his big blue eyes glimmered with fresh tears ready to fall. I raised my eyebrows in sympathy towards the lad and sympathy towards myself as I have thought that thought to many times to count.

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