Can We Trust On Hope

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"How's Zayn?" Niall asked after a moment of silence. I looked up from my lap as I looked over at Niall who was facing his blanket.

"He's in a coma right now, they said he will probably wake in a few more days. It was the shock that set him there." I told Niall as he nodded quietly. He ran a hand through his messy hair before turning back to me.

"If any of them end up dead, then I'm riding to the grave too." Niall told me before he laid back down in his bed and turned away from me. I sighed before wheeling myself out of the room and down the hall a bit to my own.

Upon entering I noticed Agent was pacing the room as he bit nervously on his thumbnail. Once his gaze found mine he stopped pacing and walked towards me with huge grin on his face.

"We found the boys!"


My hands seemed to freeze in their position as I stared at Agent Tarnish in front of me. My fingers were wrapped around the wheels of the wheelchair as I slowly leaned back into it.

"But there's a slight problem." He spoke but my mind could barely catch it. My mouth fell open in a effort to form words but none would come out. "We have located their location but we haven't found a way to safely get them out. We know the boys are safe and we have intel that Clark wants something else." Tarnish told me as my eyes drifted to the wall behind his figure. I looked back at the suited figure in front of me as my lips moved in a ghostly manor.

"Me." I whispered inaudibly. I could feel the blood drain from my face just as I felt a pressure on my chest. My already weakened body felt even weaker as I stared at Tarnish's figure. I wasn't scared for my life it was the images. The images that have been haunting Niall and I for the past days. The images that get nailed into your head with no possible way of coming loose. The images that threaten the sanity of my single life form.

"What, Payton are you okay?" Tarnish's voice seemed distant to me but I could still hear it. My mind kept flashing images across my view as I tried my hardest to stay neutral. I could feel my chest beginning to breath heavier as it took in the extra oxygen running through the tank and processed it at a much higher rate. "Payton?" Tarnish's voice was much distant now and it reminded me of the same voice I heard when I was shot the second time. The time where I finally lost all hope. "Payton! Someone help!" His voice yelled as I felt ghost like hands grab a hold of my spasmodic body. I thought I finally rid the images from my mind until one haunting memory forced its way back into my mind.

I was sat in a dark room. My hands were tied to together by rope that any ounce of movement hey would dig deeper into the flesh on my wrists. Blood dripped down my face as I stared into the green eyes across the room. His face resembled mine but it looked much weaker, more drained. The dim lighting set an unsettling mood upon us as two bodies lay lifelessly on the floor. Liam and Louis were dead and those eyes staring back at me were Harry's but as I watched longer I noticed a gun was pointed at his head as a man appeared behind him. I felt hands wrap around my face as it was tilted back so my eyes were on those rapscallion like eyes of Clark. His smirk covered his face as I coughed slightly.

"Tell me where it is, Payton?" He demanded as I felt the cool metal of a knife run across my throat.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I spit out as I clenched my teeth tightly together. My face was let go as my vision returned to Harry's. His pleading eyes were no longer there. The vibrant green was no longer there. They were duller and resembled the grass after a winter snow storm that washed away.

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