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I sat on the window seal. My gaze directed towards the road of swarming cars and bustling pedestrians. Today was the day I was suppose to go speak to the parents of the shooting. Today is the day I'm suppose to face all the people that probably hate me. The door creaked and I turned my head instinctively. Finn entered with a gloomy expression on his face. He gave me a small smile before sitting on the bed. I turned my head back towards the window. My gaze going back to the same as it has been for the past hours.

“Payton you can't mope around here forever.” Finn spoke quietly as I kept my gaze on the window. I heard Finn sigh at my lack of an answer. “What's on your mind?” He finally asked as I turned my head to meet his gaze.

“I don't have anything to say.” I shrugged my shoulders as my gaze fell to the carpeted floor.

“Just say what's on your mind.” Finn said as he shrugged his shoulders indicating he had no idea either.

“It's hard to when everything I want to say goes against oath.” I whispered as I traced a pattern in the carpet with my foot. I looked up at Finn as he sat staring at the wall in front of him.

“Just say the right thing, say what you want to say. They deserve an explanation.” Finn finally said as his eyes met mind once again. I nodded as he stood up and walked slowly towards my huddled figure. He held out his hand and I took it as he led me out of the room and downstairs where Tarnish was waiting at the door. He gave a small smile my way as I attempted one back. He looked sternly at Finn before opening the door and leading the way to the car. The ride was silent. The only sound heard was the whistling on the wind against the car as we zoomed through the city. The car stopped and feet hit pavement. Scared eyes met mourning ones and sobs cracked the silence. The wind whistled as the clouds swarmed in.

I stood before the crowd. Blacks clouds swarming the sky enveloping us into darkness. Parents stood clutching their young ones and citizens stood wiping their dampened eyes. The candles and pictures of the children that died in the school where lined up against the stairs. I took a big breath before stepping onto the podium. The mic was inches away from my face begging me to speak, but no words came. I looked back at Finn and Agent Tarnish who stood a further distance away. Finn's gaze met my own and he nodded in reassurance. The boys couldn't be here seeing as it would be too much of a risk. I looked back upon the crowd, eager eyes hoping for an explanation.

“Hello, I'm Agent Payton.” My voice cracked as it was carried through the speakers and out into the world where the wind blew it further. “About a week ago another Agent and I were trying to keep our clients safe and we so happened to stumble upon a building.” My voice shook with every syllable spoken. “I knew people were following us so I tried to get the kids out safely without any harm done, but harm was done.” I looked at the pictures on the steps and noticed the picture of a little girl. Her blonde wavy hair cascading down her shoulders as her bright blue eyes twinkled in youth. Her grin spread across her cheeks as she clutch to a little doll. Images of the same little girl, pale and motionless, filled my mind. I squeezed my eyes shut to keep the oncoming tears away, but continued anyway. “I've seen a lot of death in my life, but I didn't wish death upon any of those innocent children. You may all blame me for the death of your child and that's okay because it was my fault.” I tore my eyes away from the picture of the little girl and looked out upon the crowd. Sobs were blowing through the wind as it carried them like daggers at my heart. I took a big breath and spoke once again, “I'm not going to pretend it's okay that your child died because its not. I know what it feels like to lose family and that's something that just breaks your heart.” I shook my head as I looked down at the wood of the podium. “I guess that there's only one last thing for me to say,” I looked back up upon the crowd as I looked over all the tear stained faces. Thunder rumbled and soon rain was slightly falling. “I'm sorry.” My voice blended with the rain and the thunderous roar of thunder as I stepped down from the podium and stalked back towards Finn and Agent Tarnish who began for the car. I turned to look back upon all the people and something caught my eyes. In the far back stood a man in black. His face stern and his body tense. His gaze met mine and a smirk covered his cheeks. I turned around and climbed into the car as I quickly shut the door.

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