Chapter 4 - BTS

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Over the next week, Taehyung and I talked lots. I felt like I knew him really well, even though we'd hardly met. We were on the phone to each other, which seemed to become a regular thing. He was just making some weird animal noises, calling them reverse chicken and backwards sheep. I couldn't stop laughing. He was such a cute alien.

"Tae, you truly are the funniest person I have ever met" I giggled down the phone. I could tell he was smiling on the other side of the phone.

"Aw, thank- huh?" He started saying, before he was interrupted; "One second, Liv".

I clicked the phone onto speaker mode whilst I was waiting. I was doodling on a random piece of paper. I was zoned out as I started drawing a flower, when his deep voice scared the hell out of me:

"Hey, what you doing today?" he asked.

"Nothing, probably just going to get some inspiration like usual" I replied.

"How would you feel about spending the day with the one, the only... BTS!?" He exclaimed. I laughed at his melodrama.

"Sure, sounds fun" I beamed.

"Okay, do you know where that big park is near you?" He inquired. I looked through the mental map in my brain.

"Yeah, the one near the pub where we met?" I smiled.

"Um-hmm" He mumbled.

"I'll see you in about an hour" We said in sync, followed by a fit of laughter.

I ran up to my room to find something nice to wear; quickly deciding on ripped black jeans, and and white 'The Strokes' t-shirt. I left my hair in it's natural wavy state, brushing it of course. I put on light foundation, winged eyeliner, mascara and nude lipstick. I laced up my Doc Martens, slid my sunglasses on and grabbed my bag, ready to leave.


I couldn't stop smiling. I was going to see her again... properly this time.

"Guys! Olivia's meeting us there!" I shouted, with a permanent grin plastered on my face.

"Ahh! You gonna kiss her!?!" Jimin laughed. My cheeks turned a shade of red, as I hit him in the stomach.

"Aw, little Taehyung getting shy about the girl he NEVER SHUTS UP ABOUT" Namjoon-hyung grinned.

"Just be nice please? I really like her okay" I asked. Instead of a vocal response, I got curtsies from the boys. We all laughed and left the house.


I looked around and saw Taehyung there, with his friends looking around for me. I started to cross the street and look straight at Taehyung. When he finally spotted me, his face softened and a bright smile came through. His eyes glistened and shoulders set back a little. My heart warmed and a felt a smile creep onto my face. I picked up the pace a little as I was walking, and eventually got to the group.

"Hi guys, I'm Olivia" I introduced.

"I'm Jungkook" A black-haired youthful teen said.

"I'm Jimin" The one I knew from before.

"I'm Namjoon" The tallest one said.

"I'm Hoseok" A lean looking boy announced.

"I'm Yoongi" The light pink-haired one said.

"And I'm Seokjin, but you can call me Jin" the final boy said.

We started walking round the park, conversing and what-not, and I couldn't help but notice that Taehyung was walking very close to me... not that I was complaining. I also noticed that we had distanced ourselves from the rest of the group.

"So, how you liking Korea so far?" Tae asked.

"Much better than home" I mumbled without thought.

"Huh? What's wrong at home?" He asked.

Stupid girl

"Oh, erm... my parents died when I was 7... car crash. But don't worry, it's okay. I really don't want the sympathy now, if you don't mind" I told him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Who were you living with for all them years?" He wondered.

"I don't wanna talk about that just yet... I'm sorry" I looked down. He lifted my chin up.

"It's okay!" He smiled that beautiful smile and we carried on walking. We looked up at the others and saw the others had stopped. Namjoon Oppa was facepalming, Jungkook was laughing and Jimin? Well Jimin was flat on his arse in the grass. And Taehyung being Taehyung, ran up and jumped on top of him. I joined the others in the laughing fit and we all went and sat on the grass with the boys.

The day went on as it should, and eventually (unfortunately) the attention turned to me.

"So, Olivia, Taehyung (who never stops talking about you, by the way), has told us you're an artist" Jin Oppa turned to me. Taehyung blushed slightly.

"Oh, yeah. That's actually the only reason I'm here" I lied, receiving a reassuring smile from Tae.

"Oh my gawwd, can you imagine if she could work on our next album art work?" Jungkook suggested, the rest of the group smiling.

"Do you want me to talk to the manager?" Namjoon Oppa asked. I nodded, loving the idea.

"TaeTae, what do you think?" Hoseok said, looking at him.

"Of course, I love it!" He smiled, turning to me and giving the most naturally beautiful look I'd ever seen. It was so loving. So calm. I didn't even know such a look could exist.


Taehyung walked me home and we talked more and more, about pretty much everything. It was lovely. We finally got to my house.

"Can I see you again?" He asked.

"Of course, I'd love to" I smiled. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and turned to leave. I could not contain my blush or my smile as I watched him walk away. He turned to wave me goodbye at the end of the drive. I waved back, and finally went into my house.

Today was so good!!!

You Are Art - Kim Taehyung/BTS VWhere stories live. Discover now