Chapter 18 - Surprise

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I woke up feeling refreshed, excited and slightly nervous. I really hope the boys enjoy what I have planned for today. I checked the time on my phone, and it was 11am, meaning the guys would just be getting ready to leave. Okay, I'll call them in about half hour. So, with anticipation, I got into the shower and got ready for the day ahead. 

Taehyung's POV

I'm so annoyed. They tell us THE DAY BEFORE that we have a photoshoot and all our plans had to be cancelled. I wanted to spend the day with Olivia... but no. A photoshoot.

Anyway, I got into the car, next to Jimin and put my headphones in. 


We got about halfway through the journey when Jimin started hitting me.

"Yah, what do you want?" I sighed, pulling my headphones out. Instead of getting a response, I just heard Olivia's voice ringing through the car. 

"Jagiyah?" I asked.

"Tae!" She beamed back. I could just tell she was smiling. Picturing it now. Oh, she was so pretty when she smiled.

"Right so guys, you aren't going to a photoshoot," She started. 

"But they said we are..." J-Hope questioned, confused.

"They lied Hobi Oppa! I told them to. I've planned a day out for you, you'll find out what it is when you get there. There are more surprises to come!" She said in a sing-song voice, before hanging up. 

I decided to text her:

[ME]: Saranghae, what do you mean MORE surprises? xxxx

[JAGIYAH]: You'll find out soon enough! xxxx

I smiled and rolled my eyes slightly, waiting to find out where we were going.


The car eventually came to a halt, and we all piled out as quickly as possible. We were at an Ice Skating Rink. Wow! She remembered; I told her once that I used to go a lot as a kid, but never went anymore because I had no time. I'm so excited.

Thank you Jagiyah.

Olivia's POV

Okay, by now, they will be at the skating rink. So, going by my schedule, it's time to start cooking! I was going to make them a buffet, and show them their drawings. I just hope they like it. I may get some Soju in, I don't know. I was going to make kimchi, noodles, fried chicken, pizza and some other British stuff (just to be different). Better get started.


The food was all done, I'd got changed into a simple black dress, so now I was going to make cocktails. I found this cocktail online; it was like lemon tea but with a lime soju. I made some others, just to fill the time whilst awaiting their arrival. I put some music on, and quickly realised that I'd basically planned out a party... oops.

I heard the door open, and looked in that direction, seeing 7 boys stood there with smiles upon their faces. They all ran over and engulfed me in a bangtan group hug; Hobi screaming, Jimin squealing, Jin repeating 'Kamsahamnida' and Taehyung grinning. 

After the hug, I poured drinks, got out plates and forced them all to eat something. We went into the living room, where they proceeded to tell me about their day.

"So, Jimin fell over about 7 times." Jungkook laughed. 

"And then Jin helped him up, almost falling himself!" Yoongi shouted over Jungkook. 

"Whilst you all stood there laughing, and not helping." Jin added, rolling his eyes.

"But it was really funny hyung! You even laughed a little bit." Hobi screamed at Jin. 

"I actually got some nice pictures!" Namjoon said, calmly. 

"TaeTae was so good!" Jimin smiled. I looked over at Tae and saw him blushing. Aw!

"Ooh, before I forget-" I said quickly, getting up. "Here are your drawings." I smiled, handing them out. 

They all looked at the drawings smiling. I got a chorus of 'kamsahamnibda' and a few compliments. 

"Anyway, lets PART-AY!" Hobi bellowed. 






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