Chapter 8 - Exploring Korea

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I was halfway though my 3rd week in Korea, and I was having so much fun. So today, Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook and I were going out. Tae wanted to show me some things in Korea that I hadn't seen yet, and Jimin & Jungkook wanted to tag along. It was ideal too, because I didn't have to change what I call them as there is no one older than me here. And because I'm not Korean, I told Jungkook he doesn't have to say 'noona' to me. However, he felt uncomfortable by not saying it, so he decided to call me noona anyway.

I was getting ready, and by this point, my hair was still wet, but I had my makeup and clothes on. I put my Polaroid camera in my bag, with my sunglasses, purse and general crap that made it's way into my bag. I attacked my hair with a towel and a brush once more, before letting the air naturally dry it. Why damage it with a hairdryer when there is oxygen all around, right?

*knock knock knock*

Tae! I wasn't exactly ready... I'll invite them all in. I ran to the door and opened it smiling.

"Hey, my hair's still a bit wet, but come in!" I said to the three boys. TaeTae smiled and planted a kiss on my cheek before walking into the house. I closed the door and went to speak before something interrupted me.

"Whoa, did you do this?" I heard the boys say. Oh dear, I left my painting out. Not the drawing of Taehyung (thank god), but the painting. I took a breath and walked into the living room.

"Yeah" I smiled to them, "it's just the view from my window upstairs."

"But seriously, like, it's really good. How do you do all that with a paintbrush?" Jimin asked.

"Well, I used chalk pastel as well" I laughed, "does anyone want a drink?" I added, walking towards the kitchen.

"Tea please?" Taehyung asked.

"Water please" Jimin said

"Erm, yeah water please" Jungkook added.

I went to make the drinks, running my fingers through my hair again to check how dry it was. Nearly.

Taehyung walked into the kitchen.

"So I finally got to see it" He laughed, talking about the painting. I laughed, nodding at him.

"Yeah, I only finished it last night so" I smiled, finishing making the tea. I handed him the drink and he pulled me into a hug.

"Talented lady" He muttered, grinning. I laughed and gave him a kiss on the forehead. I begrudgingly left the hug and went to give the boys their drinks, Taehyung following behind me.


We eventually left my house and started wandering around the streets of Korea. Taehyung held onto my hand as we walked and it was really nice. The boys were hilarious, Taehyung seemed really comfortable, the sun was out and all worries seemed to slip away.

We eventually got to this small park thing, surrounded by trees and beautiful scenery.

"This is where we go when we want to get away. Nice, isn't it?" Taehyung said, before sitting down, pulling me to the floor with him. Jimin and Jungkook started running about, chasing each other. It was such a funny sight. They came a bit closer to us and Taehyung moved forward, grabbing Jimin's ankle and watching him fall to the floor. Safe to say we were all in hysterics. Eventually, Jungkook sat on the floor, so we were all sat together. We joked around for a bit, and eventually ended up talking about BTS.

"So you're on hiatus then?" I asked.

"Kinda, we only did a few shows for the stuff we recently released. We're just writing new stuff and making new dances and stuff" Jimin answered.

"Correction, I'm mostly making the new dances" Jungkook joked.

"Shush little one, you know that Hobi hyung is doing most of the choreography!" Jimin said. The guys laughed and I remembered that I brought my camera. So, discreetly, I got the camera out of my bag and snapped a picture of Taehyung laughing. It's nice when photo's aren't planned. They look better. He turned and looked at me, smiling away and shaking the picture to develop it. In the picture, he looked so happy. In reality, he tried his best grumpy face, which actually just looked adorable.

I stood up, smiled back at him, and walked a couple steps forward and took a few pictures of the scenery. I was about to take one more, when all three boys ran in front of the camera posed. I took the picture, laughing at how adorable it was. We all sat back down. Taehyung looked at me, then stole my camera... Oh well. He took few selfies of us, two of each pose so we could have one each; one cute serious-type one, a few funny face ones, one of him kissing my cheek, us just smiling. He kept a few for himself and gave me the rest. I lay down on the grass, taking in the sun, and Taehyung took a picture. Then copied my actions, and took another picture. Bad idea giving him the camera... I smiled at my thoughts.

Jungkook then took the camera of Taehyung. This was never-ending haha. I smiled and looked over to Taehyung. He pulled that funny face that always makes me laugh. We both sat there, looking at each other, laughing. How did one person make me so happy? We were so caught up in that moment, it took a while for me to register that Jungkook was taking pictures of us... Little shit. I laughed at Taehyung's fake grumpy face once again, and he looked over to me.

"Oh, laughing are we?" He smiled, before reaching to tickle me... Oh hell no. I jumped up on my feet and ran. Like... Usain Bolt ran. Somehow he caught up with me and pulled me into his waist and started tickling me. We (again) were both laughing hysterically. He eventually stopped, and we walked back to where we were sitting. I looked at Jungkook to see many pictures of me and Taehyung.

"Wow, you took a lot. These are so pretty!" I laughed.

"I thought you'd like them, I just think natural pictures always look much better than some forced ones" Jungkook smiled, handing me the pictures.

"That it so true. Thank you" I agreed, looking through the pictures. There was one particular one I loved, where Tae and I were lust looking at each other. The light was behind us and Tae's eyes were glistening in the sun. I took that picture and put that safely away and shared the rest with Taehyung. We stayed happy in the sun for hours, watching the day go by.


We'd eventually reached my house. Jungkook and Jimin stayed at the bottom of my drive, whilst Taehyung walked me to my door. We got to my door, and Taehyung unexpectedly pulled me into a kiss. It felt different to other kisses. More loving. Warmer. I wish it wouldn't have ended, but it had to. He gave me one last hug.

"I'll text you when I get home" He smiled, before kissing my hand and leaving. My heart fluttered as I saw him walking back. Gosh, I really lo-...

Don't be a Stupid Girl, remember what happened when you loved your family?

I sighed and went in, getting changed and putting a film on.


Tae and I had been texting a lot like usual, when a text from an unknown number came through.

I opened it, feeling a bit uneasy. It read:

[Unknown]: Hey, it's Jimin. I just wanted to say, Taehyung seems so much happier since he's been with you. Please... don't break his heart... he's my best friend.

Me: Hey Jimin, I promise you, I will not break his heart. I'm much happier too. If the worst was ever to happen, my heart would be broken too, and I would give you full permission to kill me, okay?

Jimin: Okay, sorry about that. I just really care about him, you know?

Me: I understand. I care about him too aha. Don't worry about it :)

That was actually pretty nice, that Taehyung has someone who cares about him that much. I won't hurt him. I care about him way too much.

Will I?

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