Chapter 2: How... did we get here?

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  • Dedicated to Gabby Dorsey


*Taylor P.O.V.*

I sat up, my back feeling stiff.

What the heck did I sleep on? I asked myself.

I woke up to a bright light in my eyes, so I shut them, putting the heels of my palms over my eyes.

"Ow.." I whispered, bitterly.

I put my hands on the ground, feeling grass..

Whoa, total rewind.

Grass? I asked myself, Where the heck..

The first thing I saw was a bunch of trees.. and the blue sky, bright sun..

WAIT. WE'RE IN A FOREST?! SINCE WHEN!? I literally screamed in my head.

I looked around, and there I noticed them.. 3 other people, one of them starting to wake up.

"Hey.. Where are we? This isn't home.." She said aloud, surprising me with who's voice it was.

"Paige?" I asked, blinking.

"Yes?" She replied.

"You look.. different.." And yeah, she did.

Paige before, was a blondie. Now, she's a brunette.. She has a red t-shirt, black shorts, and blue, open-toed sandles...

Now, the other people decide to wake up..

"WHERE ARE WE?!" Tori yelled.

"WE DON'T KNOW! SHUSH!" Me and Paige chorused.

"Hehe.. That was weird." I said, randomly.

Tori, instead of being raven/black haired, is now a redhead. I laughed.

"What's so funny?" Tori asked, glaring.

"Y-you have red hair n-now." I forced out of my mouth.

"WHAT?" Tori yelled, freaking out.

"It's not so bad.. it actually looks pretty." Paige brought in the convo.

"Yeah. I still don't know what color my hair is.." I whispered.

"Blonde." Paige whispered back.

"HUH?! HOW COME I'M A BLONDE WHEN PAIGE IS A BRUNETTE!" I crossed my arms, huffing my bangs away.

Bangs? I never had bangs, either.. I told myself.

"DARN IT! I NEVER HAD BANGS EITHER!" I yelled, my eye twitching.

"Please be quiet now, Taylor." Kiki, who is still a brunette..

Aw.. "Okay," I started, then I turned to face her. "Why are you still a brunette, and I'm not? Darn." 

Kiki rolled her eyes. "I think we should atleast TRY to figure out where we are."

"Yeah.." Paige agreed, quietly.

Me and Tori nodded.

"Doesn't this forest.. look familiar, though?" Kiki said out loud.

"Dunno." I answered for the others.

"Oh well.. let's keep walking, then. Come on!" Paige started running, while we followed silently.


When we came across two very familar looking doors, then I remembered it..

"Guys!" I whisper-yelled at them.

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