Chapter 16: The man once called a 'Hero'.

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A/N: Hello, people! Taylor here; and I told you guys I wasn't dead! All the fans I've gotten last week really inspired me! Plus, I've gotten a few messages about how they like my work, and that really helped my mood. I've been having problems and issues the past few weeks. For starters, a family member is currently in the Hospital, and I've been really upset about that, so I'm very sorry for not updating. But, I really, really appreciate you guys not giving up on me. I'm in class right now; working on a project, but I'll finish this for you guys.

And for those reading this; I appreciate you taking a few minutes to understand.

Now; on with the story!


"OW!" Naruto's voice and rang through the forest, and my ears. I mentally frowned.

He's fine. Amaya tells me.

I know. Thanks. I reply. She hums but doesn't say anymore. I decided that after an hour of memorizing my surroundings, I was okay to 'wake up' from my 'sleep'.

"Goooood morning!" I grinned and called out to Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke.

They all blinked at me, and said in sync; "It's not morning."

Just like me and my sisters. I thought. I heard Amaya snort, but I ignored her.

"It isn't..? Oops," I was still grinning.

I saw them all shake their heads before going to their trees.

"You guys are still working on this excersize!? You're all slowpokes!" I cringed after hearing those words come outta my mouth.

Wrong Anime, I reminded myself.

Slowpokes? I heard Sasuke mutter in his mind.

"Slow-what?" Naruto rose an eyebrow.

"Heheh.. Nothing." I assured him, waving my hand in dismission. They just blinked and slowly turned around, attacking their trees with chakra and their feet.

"So," I said after a silence. "You guys really aren't done yet?"

"No," Naruto pouted after falling down his tree, again. "Nobody's good at this like you are, Taylor-chan!"

"Hmph." Sasuke grunted after marking his place with a kunai.

"Hmm, well I did have help," I muttered to myself. Help, or don't help.. Hard choice.

I say don't help. Let 'em learn the hard way. I could just imagine Amaya grinning inside my mind.

I rolled my eyes. Silently wishing for my Kindle Fire or my iPod..

"Your what?" Sakura interupted me.

Oh no.. I hope I didn't say that outloud.. "Did I say that last part outloud?" I grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of my head in a 'uhh' gesture.

They all nodded.

Well, crap. "Forget I said anything." I waved them off, then I sighed. "You guys need help, tips, advice..?" I let the question ring through the air.

I saw Sasuke and Naruto considering my idea, and Sakura just scoffed and ran back up the tree.

I already know she'll get it, I said to myself.

Oh? And how's that? Amaya smirks.

None of your business! I thought back, then glared at the air. Stay outta my thoughts, woman! I 'scolded' her.

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