Chapter 15

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Abby P.O.V. 

I woke up and saw that Harry had buckled me back up and I sat upright and then I put my phone back into my pocket and then we landed. I saw that Harry was awake and so I looked over at him and he was staring at some picture of somebody asleep. 

"Who is it?" I asked and he smiled 

"You, I took it after you fell asleep on me." He said and I suddenly felt insecure about myself. 

"Why'd you take it." I said, I knew it wasn't the best picture of me and I felt weird now. 

"Because I thought that you looked cute Abby, I would never take a picture of you if I was going to criticize it." I felt better about what he said. Just then we landed in California and I took off my seat belt. I checked my phone and then I got up and picked up my carry-on and walked off the plane with Harry. When we got out of the tunnel there was a huge crowd already waiting for us to arrive. I could see that there was Paul and a bodyguard. We walked straight towards Paul and the other man, Harry put his arm around my waist and we made our way towards the bag terminal to pick up our bags. We watched the bags go round and round, we eventually saw our bags and Paul grabbed them and Harry signed a few things and we headed out. When we got to the car Paul got into the drivers side and the bodyguard in the passengers seat. 

"Oh, by the way Josh this is Abby and Abby this is Josh, he's the other guard." 

"Hello Abby."

"Hi." I said and then I turned on my phone and turned off airplane mode and then suddenly I got like 15 messages from all the boys saying that they all couldn't wait to miss me. I got one text from Liam that I was curious about, he only texted me this one time and the text said 'You really need to check twitter.... hope to see you soon   -Liam'  I exited out of my messages and logged into Twitter and looked at all of my new notifications. One was about me and Zayn, us being brother and sister and that I really was an exchange student from America but they were using the whole brother and sister thing to cover it up. I felt hurt that people really don't believe that, and that I would be making it up. I laid my head on Harry's chest, not bothering to lock my phone I closed my eyes and drifted off into a light sleep. I don't know how he does it. I awoke no more than 5 minutes later and saw Harry on my phone, scrolling through my Twitter feed.

"Do they seriously think this?" 

"Harry! What are you doing?" 

"I don't know how they could say this about you, you really are Zayn's sister." He trailed off and gave me back my phone. We reached the hotel and I looked up and saw the boys standing outside on a balcony, the fans haven't noticed the car because they were to focused on the others. I rolled the window down a little bit and listend to the fans screaming most of them were questions like 'Where's Harry?' and 'What happened to Harry, did he go home?' they were yelling out questions and then suddenly one girl screaed as she spotted our car and all the attention was turned towards us now. Paul and Josh got out and opened the door for us. All of the fans were happy and relieved to see Harry. I grabbed my small suitcase and headed straight for the door. When we got inside the first faces I saw ws the boys, I gave Zayn a hug as well the other boys. They helped us with our luggage and suff and then we went into our seprate rooms. In mine and Harry's there was a large couch and TV, a small kitchen, bathroom, and a room with a king size bed. 

"Hey Harry, where is Liam's room?" I asked as he gripped my waist with his hands and then he looked at me in confusion. 

"Why, is there something that you're not telling me Abby?" He said as his voice raised a bit and I flinched. 

"No, it's just that he texted me earlier and told me about what was going on in Twitter and all and I just wanted to talk to him." I said and his grip on my waist wasn't as tight and he seemed to be in a bit of a better mood. 

"His room is 3 doors down and on the other side of the hallway." He said as he kissed the top of my forehead and then released his grip on my waist.

"Thanks, I'll be back in like 10 or 15 minutes." I smiled at him and then closed the door, I could tell that there were a few fans on the floor that were looking around to see if they could tell where the boys were. I walked down the hallway and a fan spotted me. 

"Oh my gosh aren't you Zayn's sister!" She said as I walked over towards Liam's door and the fans looked at me. I knocked on the door and a boy with brown hair answers the door, James from BTR. I remember Harry telling me that they were spending the time in America with BTR and then the rest of the tour by themselves. 

"Is Liam here?" 

"Liam! Your girlfriend is here!!!" He yells and I see Liam run towards the door. 

"She's not my girlfriend James. Why are you here?" 

"Twitter.... can I come in now?" 

"Oh, yea sorry." Liam stepped to the side and I saw three other boys on the couch they all stared at me for awhile before speaking. 

"Awww, Liam's got a gurlyfriend." One of them said that reminded me of Louis.

"I'm not his girlfriend." I said as we walked into the kitchen and I sat down on a chair. Liam looked at me and just smiled and laughed 


"Nothing, so what did you need?"  

"Does Zayn know anything about the Twitter incident?" I pulled out a water bottle from the fridge and opened it. 

"Only bit and pieces." He sat down next to me and I smiled knowing that Zayn didn't know the full extent of things.

"You know, Harry thought that there was something between us when I asked where your room was." He gave me the are you serious look. 

"What. Is he serious."

"Yea, I'm gonna head back, thanks." He hugged me and then I walked out the door. I walked into our room that we were sharing and heard something come from the room.

"But I don't want to Lou..." It was Harry's voice I re-adjusted my side braid that I had did earlier, it was messy but still cute.

"Harry, you have to now sit still." It was a woman's voice I crept towards the door and saw that Harry was sitting in a chair and a woman that had a really light blonde hair, almost a white but not quite there and he was holding scissors. She started to cut his hair, I opened the door a bit and they noticed that I was there so I walked in and the lady looked at Harry and back to me

"Lou this is Abby, Abby this is Lou my hairstylist and makeup artist." I sat down on the large bed and said hi to Lou, and watched Harry beg Lou not to but off his beautiful curls as he would call them. 

"Abby, I feel bad for you, Harry is just as bad as Louis, you and Eleanor are crazy." I smiled and played with the end of my braid

"Yea but I don't have to only deal with Harry but deal with Zayn to because he is my brother." She looked at me and then thought about it for a moment.

"Yea, when you focus on it, you definitely do look like Zayn." She finished cutting his hair and then we moved into the living room. She told Harry to be ready for the interview tomorrow. I looked down at my jacket and realized that my cuts were showing slightly. Just then Lou walked out and I reached for my sleeves but Harry grabbed my wrists and rolled up my sleeves. 

"What is this?" He said with tears in his eyes. A single tear rolled down his cheek and he ran his thumb over the scars.

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