Chapter 23

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Harry P.O.V. 

After I composed myself, I carried on with my jog and then went back to my house. I didn't take a shower because I didn't really sweat and I didn't feel like it. I turned on the TV and saw a commercial for the personal investigator that Abby had hired to find Zayn. I wrote down the address and made my way to Trevor's office and grabbed my keys, maybe he would have her old address. 

Once I arrived, I walked straight into the office and sat down in one of his chairs. 

"May I help you?" 

"Yea, Abby Malik. I need all of her pass records and former addresses." 

"I'm sorry I can't do that unless you are related to her."  He said as he crossed his arms and sat down in his chair.'

"I am related to her." I can't believe I'm doing this but one day it will be true

"I'm her fiance." I lied, I kept a face and smiled at him.

"Ok." I just made the rumors worse, but I guess with Abby being out of the public eye the marriage rumor was dying down. He pulled out the files and handed them to me, I raced out to my car and found her old address. I was going to deal with this on my own, Liam told me that she said that she was in a brown house so if this house fits the description then I'm getting my Abby back. She's been gone for two days. When I arrived at the house, it was a small brown house that looked run down and un-occupied. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door and waited for somebody to answer. Soon enough somebody did, he was tall and had dark greasy hair, nasty looking face, and a dark figure.

"What?" He growled

"You know what I'm here for, I'm here for Abby." 

"Why, you come to rescue your girl, thinking your all bad and tough." I walked into the house, there was trash and pop cans everywhere. When he shut the door the first hing I did was delivered a blow to his face. He reacted by placing a hand on the place that I had hit on his face. He went at me but I ducked down before he could hit me, I hit him once more and that's what knocked him out. I opened up the front door and pulled out my phone and called the cops and told them what happened. 

"ABBY!" I looked around, I found a door and opened it, it was to a basement. I ran downstairs to see a messy basement. There was a small bed, I saw Abby sleeping on it she was shivering. She had no covers and barely anything on, I walked over to her and kissed her on the lips.

"Babe, I promised you I would find you wouldn't I?"

When she woke up she practically screamed and hugged me. I heard footsteps, I looked at the staircase and it was a couple of police officers. I picked Abby up and took her outside. I now realized that there was paparazzi, fans, police, and the boys. I carried her over to the ambulance where we sat on the edge of it, the medics examined both of our injuries and then they wrapped a blanket around her. She was in her skinny jeans and a tank top, you could see her black eye and all of the bruises on her and then there was a knife cut on her side. I looked at her and kissed her, just like the first time we kissed and that's when I realized that she was the one. All of the boys' walked over to us and Abby tried to get up and run towards Zayn, but she couldn't she sat back down on the edge of the ambulance. 

"Oh my gosh. Abby. You look horrible. But I'm so happy to see you again." Zayn said as he pulled her up and then hugged her. They were talking about taking us to the hospital.

"Zayn, they're taking us to the hospital," He nodded and sat her back down next to me, He wrapped the blanket around my shoulders.

Zayn P.O.V.

"Ok, we'll meet you guy's there." I asked the medic if her was taking us in the same ambulance and he replied with a 'yes'. Once we were away from all of the commotion they shut they ambulance door and started to drive to the hospital. They laid Abby down in the gurney and slightly pulled up the side of her top so they could see cut knife wound. Once we arrived at the hospital, I walked in and a nurse rushed to me to help me with my cuts, while they took Abby off to her room.

Harry P.O.V.

"Harry I love you." She whispered, it was barely audible but I smiled and sat down next to her. She used the palms of her hands to support her and set her up a little more, I could see that they out an IV in her.

"I'm glad your getting liquids and food now." I smiled and kissed the top of her forehead, but she grasped onto my hand and looked into my eyes pleading me to stay. I just got a text from Abby's mum asking me what was wrong and that she was outside Abby's hospital door. I told her I would be back and then walked outside to the hallway to see Abby's mum, Aunt and Uncle, and her two Cousins. 

"Hey." I weakly smiled and she got up to hug me, and I hugged her back. 

"What happened?" She sat down on a bench, with the other four. 

"She was kidnapped by her adopted father, and held there she had a huge cut on her side and it's hard for her to walk. Oh and she hasn't had or has had really little food and water in the past couple of days." Her mum started to tear up as she stood up again and I hugged her. We all walked into the room.

"Look who's here to see you!"


Abby P.O.V.

Hours have passed the boys and even my family have dropped by to say hi and check up on how I'm doing. But really all I want to do I to rip the IV out of my arm and go home and spend time with Harry. 

"Harry..... I want to go home." 

"I know, I know." He ran his fingers through my hair as he slid into he hospital bed next to me. Soon enough the doctor walked in and Harry looked at him. 

"Mr. Styles, Miss. Malik I have good news. You are free to leave and head on home but the bad news is that I really don't want you walking a lot until you feel stronger. Somehow I got dressed into sweatpants and a t- shirt and then made it outside to the car. We got into the car and I looked at Harry.

"I really can't thank you enough." 

He smiled at me and took my hand. "I just love you that much." He put a finger under my chin and pulled me in for a kiss. When it finished I rested my forehead on his and smiled, who was driving by the way?!

"Who's driving?!" I said with panic, me and Harry were both sitting in the back and I wasn't thinking much of it until now. Paul looked at me and then put his view back on the road. 

"Paul is." Harry laughed at me and I gave him the I'm going to kill you look.


We were finally at Harry's apartment, I was sitting on the couch he really did refuse that I not get up off the couch unless I had to use the restroom. He was sitting next to me when all of the boys walked in and looked at me. 

"Harry can you pleaseeee go get me a water bottle." I tried not to ask him for a lot of things but he would do anything.


Louis looked at me. "Can she not walk or something?" 

"Nope." Harry said popping the 'p' and then Harry smirked a little and I hit him.

"Awww, did Abby and Harry have fun?" Louis asked and Zayn was trying to restrain from killing Louis in front of me.

"Um- no, doctors orders were that I can't walk until I feel stronger." Harry handed me a water bottle and sat right back down next to me. 

"Good, I'm glad your better." Zayn said as he sat down in front of me.

"Yea, me to." I smiled at then everybody sat down and started to talk about random stuff. All I knew was that I was glad to be back home, where I belonged.


Yay! She's home. And there's going to be a new One Direction and R5 (if you don't know who they are look them up!) book coming out in the next week or two. The description will be up within the next day or two. 

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