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I lay in bed thinking to myself
How do I know if he's falling for me since he's naturally flirty.
I've thought about calling one of the girls but I didn't want to have anyone over hear and plus there's a camera in the corner of the room. I rolled my eyes looking into the camera then flipped it off. I understand that he doesn't trust me but still I need my own privacy I'll talk to him another time about it. There was a guitar leaning against the wall and I was so tempted to strum it and sing some songs but it would bring up bad memories. Basically my dad was an alcoholic and he was one of those violent drunks. One night he killed my mother when he was out of it and since then he blamed it on me because I didn't stop him. He would abuse me and lock me in my room away from the outside world. One day he came into my room drunk and he started to beat me and this time it was worse then before. Scared for my life I kneed him in the groin and ran to the kitchen grabbing a knife to protect myself. My dad came creeping around the corner and lunged at me and out of instinct a pointed the knife in front of me and watched it stab him in the stomach. The thing that changed me was I didn't regret killing someone. I felt no emotion towards it and ever since then I chose the crime life to support myself but hey it ended up working out in the end. Deciding that I had to face the past and get over it I grabbed the guitar and started to sing Brave by Sara Bareilles.
So say what you wanna say and let the words fall out...honestly I wanna see you be brave...
I guess I was so zoned out and into the song I didn't notice Joker standing in the doorway watching me.
"You have a beautiful voice." I looked at him with an emotionless face.
"What do you want I'm not in the mood." He came and sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Well just for the hell of it I'm gonna go rob a bank and wanted to know if you wanted to come." I smiled slightly and said," sure I guess it'll lighten my mood up and if you consider this a first date then so be it." He laughed and leaned closer to me.
"Well then this is a perfect first date doll but I'm letting you know now I'm watching you." I rolled my eyes and pushed him to get out so I could change. I looked in the closet and saw how it already had black clothes I would wear hung up.
Huh so he planned this for a while
I got myself dressed and placed my two guns on my hips and went to meet J in his office. I knocked on the door telling him I was ready and him and I were on our way to our little 'date'.

We pulled up to the bank and J told me to stay in the car and he'll call if he needed me. When he went inside I rolled my eyes and scoffed I'm not a little girl I'm going in if you like it or not
I busted the doors open and strutted towards J with my gun in my hand. Everyone was down on the ground and they lifted their heads up to look at me and once again mumbling about who I was happened again. J looked at me furious "I thought I told you to stay in the car."
"Well I didn't want to and doesn't this bring back memories of how we first met? And a gentleman does not tell a lady to stay in the car on their first date got it." In the corner of my eye I saw a guy dialing the police. I pointed my gun at him.
"Turn off the phone now." J and I heard sirens in the distance so I shot the guy and looked at everyone else around me. "Do you guys wanna end up like him? Drop any phones you have right now."
"Ya know doll you're pretty hot when you're like this."
"Shut up and let's go before they get here." We were about to leave until batman decided to join the party.
"Well hello there batsy thanks for ruining date night." Joker said.
"It's going to get more ruined after I send you both to Arkham." I raised my hand for batman to notice me
"Um hey b-man just cuz I'm doing this doesn't mean I need to be sent to an asylum thank you." I then quickly shot his leg and grabbed J's out and we raced down the streets of Gotham. We could hear the police chasing after us so J and I looked at each other and pulled out our guns.
"You thinkin what I'm thinkin babe."
"Right behind ya Mistah J."
We both stuck our guns out the window shooting the tires of the police cars making them flip and crash into each other. I looked in the side mirror and saw an explosion of red and orange flames.
"Hey look at that J we made fireworks."
"Perfect way to top date night isn't it doll."
"Oh hell yea."

We got to the house and I was still excited about what happened and I was jumping around acting like a little kid
"J that was so much fun! We have to do that again and maybe next time we should try to do something to this whole city and AGH." Still being in the moment I jumped on J hugging him and before I knew it I kissed him. I pulled away and looked at him and it just registered in my mind what happened. We both looked at each other in surprise with our mouths agape. I unhooked my arms from his neck and took a few steps back rubbing my arm.
"Well uh anyways I had a great time um good night." Then I darted into my room slamming the door shut and shoved my face into my pillow letting out a frustrated scream. I'm Vixen i don't fall for people. I may flirt around for some fun but it's only to get something that I want and right now i was freaking out about these foreign feelings.
Holy shit what is he doing to me

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